Claude C Lawson

Submitted by David O Styles, grand nephew of Esther (Etta) Carolyn Lawson nee Styles and husband, Claude C Lawson November 10, 2007


Death Announcement & Obituaries for
Claude C. Lawson (6 June 1871 - 25 February 1912)

The Sedalia Democrat, page 1, Monday, February 26, 1912, Sedalia, Pettis Co.,

Headline: C.C. LAWSON DEAD
Sub-headline: Popular Attorney Died at Home at Early Hour This Morning
Sub-headline: Remains Will Be Taken East on Missouri Pacific Train No. 8, and the
Interment Will Be at Newport, Kentucky.

Claude Champlain Lawson, attorney at law and one of Sedalia's best known and most enterprising citizens, died this morning at 5:15 o'clock at his home, 421 East Fifth street, aft an illness which had confined him to his home since December 21, 1911. Death was due to tuberculosis of the bowels. Mr. Lawson had for some time past realized the seriousness of his condition. A
few weeks ago he said to his physician, Dr. Baldwin: "I wish you would tell me exactly what you think of my chance of recovery. If I am going to die I desire to put some of my business affairs in shape. "Dr. Baldwin answered, "Well, to be candid with you, you have about two chances out of one hundred to get well."
With a smile on his face Mr. Lawson replied. "Well, we must take advantage of those two chances."

In conversation with his barber, Mr. Albert Baumgartner, at the Lawson home the past week, the popular attorney expressed the belief that he would not die of the illness that had kept him from his office for several weeks, adding: "The Lawsons do not die of disease. My father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all accidentally killed."

Mr. Lawson was born at Foster, Bracken county, Ky., June 6, 1871, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lawson, who were among the best known and most highly respected residents of that section of the Blue Grass state. It was in that and
adjoining county that he received his early education, and when about 16 years of age went with his parents to Newport, Ky., where he remained for several years. While there he served as ticket agent for the Chesapeake & Ohio railway, and later as agent for the Adams Express company. From Newport, he was transferred to Manchester, Ohio, and on March 31, 1982, was married at Newport to Miss Etta Styles. (Esther Carolyn Styles, daughter of George W. Styles of Cincinnati, OH and Mary Jane Higham of Hyde, England).
Two years later he came to Missouri, and for a short time was engaged in traveling for various wholesale firms, and in 1896 he came to Sedalia with his wife and had since that time resided here permanently. He first engaged in the brokerage business on coming to this city, of which he made a success, and while conducting the same spent a large portion of his time studying law. He was later admitted to the bar in the circuit court of Pettis county on May 9, 1901, Judge George F. Longan at that time occupying the bench in the Thirty-first judicial district.
As a lawyer he was among the best, enjoying a lucrative practice, and was active in many important cases in the circuit and appellate courts. As an industrial promoter, probably no one person in Sedalia took more personal interest in the advancement and general progress of the city than Mr. Lawson, and in his death his work will be missed greatly, and a place is left vacant in the business affairs of the city that will be a hard one to fill. He not only was at all times a hard and tireless worker for Sedalia, but was secretary of the Retail Merchants Association of Missouri for a period of several years, and as organizer and secretary of "The Buy at Home club" of this city he enlisted a membership of several thousand. He was also a member of the Broadway Presbyterian church, and was a man who was ever ready to help those in distress at any time possible. Mr. Lawson was an ardent admirer of children, and always seemed extremely happy with some of his numerous little friends about him. Only last week when he seemed to be greatly improved from the dread malady with which we was afflicted, he personally wrote several of his most intimate friends among the children postcards expressing his devotion for them and wishing them well.

His relapse, which followed a marked improvement in his condition last week, came Thursday night, after a day spent in the home, during which he seemed exceedingly cheerful, and for a time amused himself in singing popular melodies and conversing
freely with relatives and friends. He was a great lover of books and music, and during the time the Gentlemen's Musical club as one of the organizations of the city he took active part in its meetings and also in public concerts and other features given by the
club. The Sedalia Boosters' club, the Merchants' and Manufacturers' association and all other organizations or societies for the advancement of business interest were at all times favored by Mr. Lawson, and he always put forth his best efforts in the betterment of their condition.

Besides the church mentioned previously and the several business organizations, as well as the Sedalia Bar association, Mr. Lawson held membership with the National Union, a fraternal organization, in which he carried insurance in the sum of $2,000;
Sedalia lodge No 125, B.P.O.E.; Sedalia camp No 5570, Modern Woodmen of America, and Fidelity council No. (copy not clear), Knights and ladies of Security. He was organizer of the Kentucky club, which is composed exclusively of natives
of that state who came to Missouri, and of which organization he was justly proud. At all times Mr. Lawson was greatly pleased to relate amusing anecdotes for the pleasure of his friends, and on numerous occasions he made addresses at sessions of commercial clubs and like organizations throughout Missouri and in other states. As a speaker he was instructive and entertaining, and wrote several interesting articles for newspapers and other periodicals which were greatly appreciated.

The members of the Sedalia Bar this morning, on learning of Mr. Lawson's death, immediately went into session and appointed Attorneys Lee Montgomery, O. M. Barnett, and H. D. Dow as a committee to prepare resolutions for adoption at a meeting to be held by that body Tuesday forenoon, and a floral committee composed of Attorneys W.W. Blain, Dimmitt Hoffman, and M. A. McGruder, was also appointed. During the session of the circuit court for the February term, which is now being
held, Judge H. B. Shain made the following order, which was made a part of the minutes of the proceedings of the day:

"It being called to the attention of the court that our beloved and esteemed member of this bar, C. C. Lawson, has on this day departed this life, it is ordered and decreed by the court that tomorrow, Feb. 27, 1912, be set apart to pay our last tribute of respect to  our beloved brother, and the court further orders that no other business be transacted on Feb. 27, and that causes set for Feb. 27 be continued until 9 a.m. Feb. 28."

Mr. Lawson is survived by his wife as well as his aged mother, Mrs. John B Lawson, of Newport, Ky.; two brothers, Chas. T. Lawson, of that place, and Robert D. Lawson, a former Sedalian, now located at El Dorado Springs. Four sisters, also survive,
as follows: Mesdames Harry Crenshaw, of San Dimas, Cal.; William Hackett, of New Iberia, La.; Edward Neider and Fred Shaw, of Newport, Ky.

The funeral will be at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. R. C. Williamson, pastor of the Broadway Presbyterian church, and the Rev. J. D. Prigmore, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, to officiate. The music will be in charge of Miss Jessie Smith and will consist of such sacred selections as were favorites with Mr. Lawson during his life, which was one of activity in whatever undertaking he engaged. At the conclusion of the services the remains, accompanied by his wife and
brother-in-law, George W. Styles, who was with Mr. Lawson when the end came, and who has been here since his most serious illness, will be started on Missouri Pacific train No. 8, at 4:25 o'clock, for Newport, Ky., his old home for interment.
The pall bearers have been selected from his most intimate friends in Sedalia and those who will be active chosen from various business interests, will be as follows:
Messrs. W. J. Maltby, Chas. A. Thomas, Cord Brandt, W. O. Terry, John Johnston, Coby Bloch, E. R. Blair and Chas. E. Messerly.
The honorary pall bearers, selected from the various organizations with which he was affiliated, will be as follows:
From the Sedalia Bar association - John Montgomery, Jr., and R. S. Robertson.
Merchants and Manufacturers' association - M. M. Stevenson.
Kentuckians - Judge C. W. McAninch.
Boosters club - Prof. C. W. Robbins.
Elks - W. M. Johns.
Modern Woodmen of America - E. E. Codding.
Knights and Ladies of Security - George F. Boothe


Obituary for C. C. Lawson

The Sedalia Democrat, Tuesday, February 27, 1912, Sedalia, Pettis Co., Missouri




Sub-headline (3) Selections Sung by a Quartette Were Favorites of the Man So
Universally Mourned - Interment in Kentucky

Funeral services for Attorney Claude C. Lawson were held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the residence, 421 East Fifth street, and were attended by an immense throng. Rev. R. C. Williamson, pastor of the Broadway Presbyterian church, and Rev. J.
D. Prigmore, pastor of Central Presbyterian church, each made eulogistic remarks covering the life and good deeds of this well known citizen, whose passing is so universally mourned.

As a token of esteem, beautiful floral pieces from numerous fraternal organizations, business associations and private citizens were laid upon the casket containing the remains, which silent messengers expressed sentiments which words could not possibly convey. The musical numbers were favorite church hymns of the deceased and were rendered with much sweetness and melody by a quartette composed of Mrs. E. F. Yancey, soprano; Mrs. W. D. Steele, alto; Mr. Gus Warner, tenor, and Rev. A.O. Kuhn, bass. "Lead, Kindly Light," "Jesus, Savor, Pilot Me," and "God Be With You Till We Meet Again," as sung during the services, brought tears to the eyes of nearly all the attendants.
At the conclusion of the services the funeral cortege was formed and proceeded to the Missouri Pacific passenger station, where the remains, accompanied by the grief stricken wife (Esther Lawson nee Styles) and brother-in-law, George W. Styles, were taken on board Missouri Pacific train No. 8 for St. Louis and thence to Newport, Ky., where the interment will be made.
To honor the memory of Mr. Lawson, in a fitting manner, the members of the Sedalia Bar association held a meeting this morning at the court house, which was attended by nearly every attorney in the city, and during which addresses eulogistic of the past life and accomplishments of the deceased were reviewed briefly. Twenty-five of the members of the bar made addresses, and in each of the talks the keynote was the kindness of heart and love for his fellowman which was always
manifested in a marked degree by Mr. Lawson during his useful career.
The session was presided over by Attorney H. T. Williams, and short talks were made by the following members of the association: Messrs. O. M. Barnett, R. S. Robertson, J. D. Bohling, John H. Bothwell, Eugene W. Couey, C. I. Wilson, J. D.
Donnohue, George W. Anamosa, H. D. Dow, W. D. Steel, James T. Montgomery, Lee Montgomery, W. W. Blain, R. A. Higdon, M. A. McGruder, George F. Boothe, Claude Wilkerson, W. D. O'Bannon, Louis Hoffman, Judges H. B. Shain and D. E. Kennedy, and also Attorney Bruce Barnett of Kansas City. The members of the bar during the meeting adopted unanimously the following resolution:

Be it resolved, that the bar of Pettis county recognizes the sterling qualities which have endeared the late C. C. Lawson to his fellow practitioners and his fellow citizens of this community. Perhaps more than any other member of this bar he was the friend and helper of the unfortunate and needy. He was ready at all times with his sympathy and means to succor those in distress or want. No member of this bar responded more graciously or more generously than he to any appeal which would touch a sympathetic and kindly heart. He was an example to us all in his public spirit and his readiness to give his time
and labor to any public enterprise. It made no difference that it promised no personal reward to him, so that it was for the general good. He did not allow himself to be so selfishly engrossed in his own private affairs that he could not find time to lend his aid to any laudable public undertaking.

He was an example to us all of courtesy, gentleness, cheerfulness and optimism. Even in the heat of the trial of a hotly contested cause he never failed to be courteous to opposing counsel, considerate of witnesses and respectful to the court and its officers. This was not because we was lacking in zeal for his client, but because his heart was kindly and he did not forget the respect that was due to others. The high esteem in which his community held him as a member of the bar is evidenced by the fact that in 1905 he received at the hands of the people the nomination for prosecuting attorney of this county. He had many loyal clients who entrusted important affairs to him. He labored for them with untiring industry and zeal. Be it further resolved, that the heartfelt sympathy of the members of this bar be tendered to his family and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to his wife and mother.
- H. D. Dow, O. M. Barnett, Lee Montgomery, Committee.

The Kentuckians adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, is has seemed good to an All-Wise Providence to take from our midst our highly esteemed friend and worth citizen, C. C. Lawson: be it Resolved, That in the loss of such a friend and brother words are made quate to express our sorrow and sadness over his untimely demise, and we know that his spirit has been wafted to that "bourne from whence no traveler returns." Miss him! Yes, we will sadly miss him. In the social circle, in the every day walk of life, his smiling face and intelligent expression will greet us no more. His renditions of song, his entertaining and instructive speeches and his social conversation
we will no longer have the privilege of enjoying and we can sadly say:

May you ever rest in peace.
From care, toil and trouble released.
Where the true and just ever reign,
There may you peacefully remain.

'Tis hard to say goodbye, brother.
Since there rests in our hearts no other
Whose life more love can claim
Than this noble, true Kentuckian.

And when we sit and review the past,
'Tis by no means a difficult task
To recall many fond recollections
Of our departed friend, C. C. Lawson.

And as we plant the wreath on his bier,
With many a repressing tear,
We say, may we gladly meet thee
In the land of sweet eternity.

And to his devoted wife we extend our profound sympathy, and may the consolation of the Great I Am ever with her abide.
Resolved, Further, That a copy of these expressions be sent to his wife and also published in our daily papers. (Signed) - George W. Barnett, Lon V. Ware, T. O.
Stanley, Committee of Brother Kentuckians. C. W. McAninch, President.


Obituary from The Sedalia Daily Capitol, Sedalia, Mo, Tuesday, February 27, 1912


C.C. Lawson is dead!
The voice that charmed and encouraged and urged to progress is hushed. The great heart that sent the blood coursing red with life through the arteries of his being no longer throbs. And all Sedalia mourns. Clay, just inanimate clay, is the body of the children's friend, the friend of mankind - Sedalia's most earnest and tireless and enthusiastic booster. When C. C. Lawson was sent to bed by his physician - when his personality, his radiating and infectious and ever-speaking belief in Sedalia and Sedalians was withdrawn by illness from the public - there was practically a cessation of activities. The life was snapped suddenly from business organizations. The mainspring was in the shop for repairs. And now that Death has taken Lawson there will be chaos that only time can obliterate.
C. C. Lawson was the soul of kindness. For years a sufferer, physically, he bore in silence his hurts and turned to the public and to his friends an ever-smiling face. Never a man of wealth, as wealth is counted, he was always the friend of the poor - the watchful friend of the very poor. Obligations he assumed many a time to help some struggling man with a family out of pressing difficulties, and to many times he had to meet those obligations himself. Be he did not complain. He smiled. His faith in human nature was unshaken. He His confidence in those whom he had befriended was sublime and supreme.

One of his chief pleasures was the giving to others that which they most desired and could least afford. At holiday times his office desk was always cluttered with presents for little children. With no children of his own, he seemed to have the spirit of
universal fatherhood, and so far as his means permitted he did for the little ones what their own parents could not afford to do. He went into the by ways of life to make friends of the little ones, and he did it for the love of children. There was no motive behind Lawson's benificences (sic) - nothing but a great heart and a divine good will.

In the business world men will say of him that he was the life - the soul and body - of the Merchants association, the Manufacturers association, the Home Industry association; and men in all parts of Missouri and the far states of the Union who have bidden him to be their guest and to bring to them the spirit of fairness and sunshine that he has made a trademark in Sedalia will say that the business of the country has lost a great factor. But that which Sedalia has lost is something greater than this. The city has lost a friend, a real friend - a friend who radiated sunshine and spread bounties where bounties were most needed, whether he could afford them or not.

The thread of his life is broken, his great heart will pulse no more; but his body will rest in peace and his soul will live forever.
Claud (sic) Champlain Lawson was born 6 Jun 1870, at Foster, Bracken county, Kentucky, son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lawson. He was married March 22, 1891, at Newport, Ky., to Miss Etta Styles, and with here, two years later, removed to Sedalia.  Since his coming to this city he has been a part of the business and social community, enlarging his friendships, his acquaintance and the scope of his work from year to year, until, at the time of his death, Monday, February 26, 1912, he was identified with the leading business and social organizations of the city.
He was a member of the Broadway Presbyterian church, of the Pettis County Bar association, of the Sedalia Boosters' club, of the Merchants and Manufacturers' association, of the Buy-At-Home club, and of the Sedalia lodge of Elks, Sedalia camp of
the Modern Woodmen of America, and Fidelity council, Knights and Ladies of Security. He was secretary of the Retail Grocers' association of the city and of the state, and was much in demand as a lecturer every where. And everywhere he was the life of whatever gathering he honored by his presence, and cheered by his smile and his words of optimism. He was instrumental in federating the commercial clubs of Missouri, and was vice president of that organization. He was also founder and secretary of the Kentucky Society of Pettis County, and numbered every Kentuckian within Pettis' borders as his friend.

Mr. Lawson had been under the doctor's orders since December, but he had been a sick man for many months. During his confinement he spoke cheerfully to friends and as recently as a week ago declared that he would get well. But his wife and his doctor and his most intimate friends realized that it was not to be. A dropsical tendency some time ago necessitated an operation, and that operation revealed the hopeless of the case.
Death came to him in the morning hours of Monday and quietly he passed away. The body will be taken to the old Kentucky home of the Lawson's for interment, leaving this city at 4:25 this (Tuesday) afternoon, after a funeral service to be held at the
home, 421 East Fifth street, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, the Rev. R. C. Williamson, pastor of the Broadway Presbyterian church, assisted by the Rev. J. D. Prigmore, of Central Presbyterian church, officiating. The music will be in charge of Miss Jessie Smith and the pall bearers will be Messers. W. J. Maltby, Charles A. Thomas, Cord Brandt, Coby Bloch, E. R. Blair, and Charles E. Messerly.
The honorary pallbearers selected from the various organizations with which he was affiliated will be as follows:
From the Sedalia Bar association - John Montgomery, Jr., and R. S. Robertson.
Merchants and Manufacturers' association - M. M. Stevenson.
Kentuckians - Judge C. W. McAninch.
Boosters club - Prof. C. W. Robbins.
Elks - W. M. Johns.
Modern Woodmen of America - E. E. Codding.
Knights and Ladies of Security - George F. Boothe

During the session of the Pettis county circuit court Monday morning, Judge H. B. Shain made the following order which was made part of the minutes of the proceedings of the day:
"It being called to the attention of the court that our beloved and esteemed member of this bar, C. C. Lawson, has on this day departed this life, it is ordered and decreed by the court that tomorrow, February 27, 1912, be set apart to pay our last tribute
of respect to our beloved brother, and the court further orders that no other business be transacted on February 27, and that causes set for February 27 be continued until 9 a.m. February 28"

The members of the Pettis County Bar association, on learning of Mr. Lawson's death, immediately went into session and appointed Attorneys lee Montgomery, O. M. Barnett and H. D. Dow as a committee to prepare resolutions for adoption at a meeting to be held by that body this afternoon, and a floral committee composed of Attorneys W. W. Blain, Dimmitt Hoffman and M. A. McGruder, was also appointed.

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