Claryville History


Submitted by Buck Seibert 23 December 2012


Claryville gets it's name from the Clarys by Mrs. Hornbeck

Isham Prewitt acquired a Patent of 1000 acres which included what is now Claryville. March 28, 1818 he sold 813 acres to James Tayler except 2 acres he gave Henry Blagrave for a Baptist Meeting House on Lickert Road.

James Taylor sold Alexander Caldwell heirs? 67 acres 1 rod 28 poles on the North East corner of Licking Turnpike and Lickert Road.

Sept 11, 1891 eight acres plus? was layed out in 37 lots. Lots 1 thru 12 fronted on Licking Turnpike. Center Street extended East from Licking Turnpike between lots 6 and 7 and behind lots 24 thru 34. Lots 13 thru 23 fronted on Lickert Road. Byrd Alley extended East from Licking Turnpike between lots 9 and 10 and between lots 13 thru 23 and lots 24 thru 34 the latter fronting on Center Street behind lots 1 thru 12.

The Claryville Lot association bought 8 acres from W B Rouse. Sold its first lot # 32 to Henry Kuhl; #10 to John Kuhl; #16 to G W Martin; #13 to P G Randall; #7, 8 and 9 Jas K Byrd; #33 and 34 J W Randall; #11 and 12 Sophia Wetherhan; Lots 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 to Blue Grass Butter and Cheese Co. Lot 23 to William E Maddox.


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