Clarence Crowley

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 December 1903, page 5

Coroner M Higgins of Newport, reports peculiar circumstances surrounding the death of Clarence Crowley Wednesday. The boy suffered violently beginning last Sunday and the Coroner is of the opinion death was due to eating poisoned candy. He has obtained samples of the candy and will have a chemical examination made.

Dr. J Crowley, father of the boy, stated that on Sunday the lad bought some candy and after eating, became violently sick. He diagnosed the trouble as acute gastritis. Coroner Higgins says he had a similar case under his notice a few days ago. A boy named L Moran of 1114 Putnam Street, exhibited the same symptoms after eating some candy. Dr. Higgins says the boy came near to death.

He will carry his investigation far to find out the maker of the candy and if it contains and deleterious substance he will take vigorous measures.


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