Clara Grogan

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 January 1911, page 5

Crazed with drink, Wm Grogan, 35, a pipe-layer, residing at 928 Orchard st. Newport, attempted to kill his wife late yesterday by firing both barrels of a shotgun through a door behind which his wife and two small children had taken refuge. The shots missed Mrs. Grogan, but one of the missiles struck their youngest daughter, Clara, in the forehead, inflicting a small wound. The shooting occurred at the home of Mrs. Morgan, 920 Orchard st.

Mrs. Grogan, with her two children, Rosa and Clara, were paying a visit to Mrs. Morgan when Grogan appeared and ordered her to come home with him. Knowing he had been drinking heavily for some time and his mind was unbalance, Mrs. Grogan refused to go. Grogan went to his home and returned with a loaded shotgun. His wife saw him coming with the weapon and seized her children and hid behind the door, while Mrs. Morgan bravely tried to stop the maddened man. Pushing her aside he strode to the door behind which his wife and children were and fired both shots into it.

Police Headquarters were notified and Chief Ploeger sent Patrolman Grous to the Grogan home. Grous found Grogan with the gun in his lap reloaded. Before he could get a chance to use it, Grous had wrenched it out of his hands and placed him under arrest.

Dr. Buten was called and attended to the little girl. They were found to be superficial in character, although she was unconscious when the physician arrived, as a result of the shock, while Mrs. Grogan was also in a state of collapse. Grogan refused to talk about the affair today and when his case was clled in the Police Court, a continuance was had until Monday.


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