Chester Wood Dorsey

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 February 1922, page 1

Brent Spence was in communication with Oscar Vest, chairman of the committee having in its hands the Smith bill, which if passed by the Kentucky General Assembly, will make possible an increase in the Newport street care fare. Chester Dorsey, Bellevue mayor, filed objections of Bellevue citizens with Charles Truesdall, state representative over a long distance telephone.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 April 1922, page 1

Days of Newport's shantytown are probably numbered as a result of a protest made by Chester Dorsey, mayor of Bellevue to Newport commissioners. Dorsey in protesting against shantyboats along the Ohio River in Newport, declared they were a menace to health and an eyesore.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 June 1922, page 1

Dr. Chester W Dorsey, Mayor of Bellevue

Q: When and where were you born? Moscow O. Sept 25, 1878
Q: What is your earliest recollection? Falling from a trestle into the 1883 flood.
Q: What was your boyhood ambition? To be a steamboat engineer
Q: How did you earn your first dollar? Driving cows to and from a pasture at 50 cents per month a head.
Q: How did you happen to get into your present business? Association with a dental student; tired of a grocer; assisted by an accident.
Q: What is the most memorable event in your life? Being chosen mayor by the good citizens of Bellevue.
Q: Where did you meet your wife? In my office, professionally.
Q; Why do you like Bellevue? Because, it is clean and healthy on the river, but free from flood dangers; convenient to Cincinnati and has only white citizens.
Q: As a public official what is the one thing you would like to do to make Bellevue a better place in which to live? Improve property, sidewalks and streets and secure a southern outlet by means of a county road.
Q: what do you consider Bellevue's greatest need? Playgrounds, kindergarten and a city building.
Q: What counsel would you give a young man starting in life? Secure an education at any cost; obtain a position with a large concern; don't watch the clock; work and the boss will watch you; work for their interest and in return they will start you at the top where it is not so crowded.
Q: What is your favorite recreation? Baseball in the Sunday Morning Rooters League of Bellevue.
Q: What is the luckiest thing that ever happened to you? Cutting my hand while emptying a barrel in a grocery which caused me to study a profession.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 May 1924, page 6

No protest was made when John Stahl tendered his resignation as chairman of the Improvement Committee, but when he also declared he would resign from the Claims Committee, Chester Dorsey, mayor advised council members not to recognize his resignation.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 December 1925, page 16

Because of the absence of Mayor Chester W Dorsey, Councilman John Stahl acted as chairman of the meeting. Clem Wiethorn, mayor-elect will take office the first meeting in January.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 July 1951, page 1

Dr. Chester W Dorsey, mayor of Bellevue in the early 1920s and former northern Kentucky dentist, died early Sunday at San Francisco Cal. friends have learned. A former resident of Bellevue and Covington, he once had offices in the Covington Trust & Banking Co building.

He leaves a widow, Monica; a son, Lon, Pasadena Cal. and a grandson.


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