Deputy Sheriff Charles Davis

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Cincinnati Enquirer, 29 November 1903, page 14

Deputy Sheriff Charles Davis yesterday served a restraining order issued by the Kenton Circuit Court, to prevent Charles E Neal from copying a list of names that the Meyers Distilling Company alleges was stolen from them by Neal and is now in the custody of the Court.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 13 November 1904, page 2

Deputy Sheriff Charles Davis, who is prominent in labor circles, having at one time been a District Vice President of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Tin and Steel Workers and Miss Lulu Horn, of 413 Isabella street, Newport, were secretly married September 10 by Rev Dr. Schaefer, pastor of St Paul's German Church.

The popular Deputy would probably been able to keep his secret longer had he not departed on his bridal tour last night. Then the news leaked out.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 February 1909, page 3

Charles Davis, 45, former Deputy Sheriff of Campbell co. and one of the best known officials in Newport, was found dead today in a box car at Twelfth and Putnam sts. on the C&O Railroad. The body was hanging from a beam in the car with a wire around the neck. Both wrists had also been gashed with a knife.

The horrible discovery was made by a switchman in the yards and Police Headquarters was notified. The body was taken to the morgue. Davis had been missing from home since last Thursday. When he left he seemed exceedingly despondent and his wife was fearful that if her husband was ever found he would be dead. Davis had not been in the Sheriff's office for about 18 months and was in poor health.

He is survived by a widow and four children with whom he lived at 423 West Sixth st. Newport. Davis was formerly Vice President of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steelworkers.


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