Charles William Wirsch

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 September 1933, page 1

Charles W Wirsch, 1 Arlington avenue, Ft Thomas, who served in the 147th Infantry of the 37t Division during the World War, has been decorated with the Purple Heart by the War Department for services in France. Mr. Wirsch was one of the original members of the regiment commanded by Col. J M Galbraith. He enlisted June 1, 1917, and served on the Baccarat and Avocourt defensives and the St Miehle, Argonne and Ypres-Lys offensive drive.

For his services in addition to the Purple Heart medal, he received the Verdum medal and personal regimental citation from Col. Galbraith. Mr. Wirsch is vice commander of Robert D Johnson Post No 98, American Legion, Ft Thomas. He is chairman of the committee that is sponsoring Legion night Friday at the Highland Theater, Ft Thomas.


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