Charles Warner

Submitted by Richard McCormick 11 Novwmber 2012

Charles R. Warner, 26th OH Inf.

Kentucky Times Star, Tuesday, 22 February 1915

War Veteran Passed Away – Charles R. Warner Was Post Commandeer of Wm Nelson Post

Charles R. Warner, past commander of William Nelson post, GAR died Sunday at his home, 214 West Front Street, Newport, following short illness(???) of pneumonia. He was 71 years of age and an active worker in the veteran ranks. He was a member of the Twenty-sixth Ohio Volunteer infantry during the Civil War and served 16 years in the regular army, with headquarters in the old barracks of Newport.

George Warner, son of the decedent, is a member of the Twenty-eighth Infantry stationed at Galveston, MO. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and seven sons. Among the latter are Charles Warner of Granite City Il, Robert Warner, former member of Newport police department, now located at St. Louis.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 23 February 1915, page 1

Members of the GAR will attend the body the funeral services of Capt. Charles R Warner, 71, Civil War veteran, Wednesday at 2 pm from the residence, 214 West Front st. Newport. Interment in Soldier's lot, Evergreen Cemetery.

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