Charles Lyman Rugg

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 19 January 1880, page 3


Mr. Charles Rugg, who is too well known in Newport to need more than a brief obituary, died at 8 o'clock last night of consumption.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Tuesday, 20 January 1880, page 3


The funeral of the late Charles L Rugg will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Columbia Street Presbyterian Church. The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Association will attend the funeral in a body and for that purpose will meet at Smalley's Hall at 1 o'clock.

Charley Rugg enlisted in the 6th Indiana Cavalry, under Colonel Biddle in 1862. Upon the organization of the regiment he was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant. His regiment participated in all the engagements of the campaign on the Cumberland. He was captured in 1863 near Richmond Ky. released on parole and in 1864 was recaptured near Macon Ga. during Stoneman's celebrated raid in the enemy's rear.

He was following up the erratic Morgan during an episode of the war yet remembered by stay at homes with a thrill. His shrewdness and ability to hold his tongue won the confidence of his superior officers. Since the war he has suffered with paralysis which was succeeded by consumption, his destroyer.

At one time, Charley was Deputy United States Marshal under Weden O'Neal.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 21 January 1880, page 6


The funeral of the late Charles Rugg took place from the Columbia Street Presbyterian Church yesterday, the Rev Frank D Moore, of the First Presbyterian Church, conducting the ceremonies which by request, were very simple. Messrs. David R Lock, Frank Buchanan, Henry Weise of Newport and J M Blackburn of Covington, acted as pall bearers. The remains were laid in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.


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