Charles P Reckner

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 April 1903, page 3

C P Reckner, an old resident of Ludlow and yardmaster for the B&O S W Railroad in Cincinnati died Thursday morning, at his residence on George Street. He had been well prior to his death and worked as usual Wednesday. He kept the fact he had heart trouble as a secret from his wife and children, and the end came as a great shock, and Mrs. Reckner is almost prostrated.

Three sons also survive him. They are John, Charles and Don.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 April 1903, page 3

The funeral of C P Reckner, who died Wednesday afternoon from the family residence on Butler Street, will be conducted by Rev Dr. J J Francis, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. The burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery by funeral directors Allison & Yates. The deceased was a member of several railroad societies with will attend the funeral.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 May 1903, page 8

Anna E Reckner qualified in the Kenton County Court as administrator of the estate of Charles P Reckner, with J P Weekman as surety.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 June 1903, page 8

Anna Reckner qualified as guardian of John, Charles and Don French Reckner in the County Court.


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