Charles Spinks

Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Thursday, 15 September 1898, page 3

NEWPORT KY. Sept 15-The body of Charles Spinks, the wealthy Newport coal merchant, was recovered from the Ohio River at the foot of York street at 8:45 am Wednesday morning by Wm Botts, a coal dealer. The accident that befell Mr. Spinks has cast a shadow of gloom all over the city of Newport, as he was one of the leading spirits in everything of public interest in the city and his deeds of charity would make up a long list.'

It has been ascertained the accident occurred while Mr. Spinks was attempting to step from a loaded coal barge to an empty one in order to get to shore. In doing this he was obliged to climb a ladder, which slipped and precipitated him into the water below and before the accident had been noticed he drowned.

Mr. Spinks was worth $500,000 and leaves $150,000 in life insurance to his son Harry. The insurance one was a joint one between the father and son, being paid for out of the funds of the firm, and from which one or the other would benefit, according to which died first.


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