Colonel Charles G Penney

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 March 1904, page 8

It is expected the Twenty-ninth Infantry will be in this country and available for assignment to Ft Thomas, as its garrison force. The Twenty-ninth was formerly commanded by Col. Charles G Penney, now on the retired list as a Brigadier General.

He was a former officer of the Sixth and commanded Company E at Ft Thomas. While Col. Penney was in command of the Twenty-ninth many soldiers of the old Sixth re-enlisted in the regiment and other of the Sixth, when the latter regiment left the Philippines for the United States, transferred to the Twenty-ninth for longer service on the islands on account of the double time and increased pay.

Many of these men have served in the Kentucky Highlands at tis post in the years prior to the Spanish American War and will be pleased if fortune smiles and again assists them to  tour of duty in this neck of the woods.


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