Charles William Nagel

Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 September 1918

Submitted by Kelly


Charles W Nagel, former state senator and one of Northern Kentucky's foremost citizens died suddenly, Friday morning at his home, 441 Van Voast Ave., Bellevue, following a severe illness of a few hours.  Nagel had been ailing since Sunday, but little was thought of his illness because he was able to be at his office in Newport each day.  He was at his office as usual Thursday, and before he went home, said he felt greatly improved. 

Wife Hears Moaning

He arose as usual at 5:30 o'clock Friday morning, and said he felt improved.  At 6 o'clock his wife heard him moaning, and before the arrival of a physician the victim had died.  Nagel was one of the most active business men in Northern Kentucky.  He for years was secretary of the Evergreen Cemetery Co., was secretary of the Newport Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and was connected with the Newport Abstract Co.  He was about 57 years of age.  For many years he was an active figure in the affairs of the Republican Party. 

Elected on Ticket

Some years ago he was elected as state senator from the Campbell County District.  He was one of the few Republicans ever elected to the Kentucky Senate from his county.  He was mayor of Bellevue for two terms, and his administration has been held up as an example.  He was known as a man of exceedingly progressive ideas.  A wife (Julia Sutkamp Nagel) and several children survive him.  One of his sons is in the military service.  The funeral arrangements have not been made.


  Kentucky Senator for the 25th District. Nagel was educated in the public schools of Cincinnati and Covington and was a graduate of the Cincinnati Business College. In his political career he served as mayor of Bellevue and as deputy sheriff for Campbell County. In his business career he was secretary of the Newport Mutual Fire Insurance Company, president of the Home Savings & Loan Association of Newport, director of the Covington Savings Bank & Trust Company, and was director of the Evergreen Cemetery Company.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 July 1895, page 7

A party of well known business men and officials of Bellevue leaves tomorrow for a weeks fishing up the river; Mayor Nagel.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 October 1896, page 5

The October grand jury was impaneled in Campbell County by Judge Helm Tuesday morning. The Jury Commissioners appointed were Albert Silva, John Thornton and Charles Nagel.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 October 1896, page 3

There was a lively contest for the Chairman of the Bradley meeting at the Balke Opera House, Bellevue Monday night. The executive committee decided upon Mayor Charles W Nagel, of Bellevue, but their selection did not meet the approval of several Republicans of that city. They say the Mayor has been treating the Democrats with too much consideration. The committee refused to reverse its decision.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 January 1910, page 2

Frankfort Ky-Senator Nagel of Bellevue, introduced a bill amending charters of fourth class cities so as better to provide for making of street improvements.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 January 1910, page 2

State Senator Charles W Nagel and Representative W H Newell and E E Weber left today for Frankfort, after a visit over Sunday with their families to attend the second week's session of the Legislature. There are several important bills from Campbell co to be brought before the Legislature and from information given by the Representatives, indications are good for two of them to pass.


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