Charles Morgan

Alexandria Deed Book B, page 18  16 August 1798

Indenture made 16 Aug 1798 between Washington Berry, Henry Brasher, Charles Morgan, and Archibald Brown Gentlemen Trustees of the Town of Newport of one part and James Smith of Campbell County of the other part.  Trustees for and in consideration of the sum of #135 paid to James Taylor proprietor of the Town of Newport sell four lots in the Town of Newport and known in the plan of said Town by Nos. 91, 99, 100 and 103.

In the presence of: James Taylor, Abraham Vastine, Will Reddick, Richard Southgate

Treasury Warrant for Thomas Spilman

Deed Book B, Page 221, 7 March 1808   Recorded 10 April 1801
Located at Alexandria Courthouse

Thomas Spilman of King George Co. and State of Virginia did put into the hands of Charles Morgan now of Campbell County and State of Kentucky one land office Treasury Warrant for 2445 acres on condition of said Charles Morgan locating the same for one half the land that should be obtained by virtue thereof which the said Charles Morgan did locate on the 2d day of March 1784 on Hingston fork of Licking in an Entry of 7372 acres in Partnership with Patty Harris & Co. & whereas said Thomas Spillman did by his last Will and Testament bequeath to his sons James and Thomas Spillman each one fourth part of his interest in said tract of land and said James Spilman having purchased from said Thomas Spilman his one fourth share and procured a Deed for the same, that now, so it appears, said James Spilman is lawfully entitled to one half the interest of said Thomas Spilman decd. amounting to 611-1/4 acres which interest, the said James Spilman hath sold to Charles Morgan.

Indenture - James Spilman now of Campbell County, State of Kentucky, in consideration of the sum of $50. paid by Charles Morgan sells all his interest, also Thomas Spilman afsd. being one half interest of Thomas Spilman, decd. in a tract of 7372 acres of land situated in the County of Bourbon on Hingston's fork of Licking.

James Spilman and Sarah his wife set their hands and seal 7 March 1801

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