Charles Alexander Mignot

Cincinnati Daily Star, Saturday, 7 February 1880, page 6


Charles Alexander Mignot, a pioneer of Newport, died at an early hour Thursday morning at the residence of his granddaughter, Mrs. J R Yungblut, 209 Monmouth street.

He was born at Elsas on the border of France on the 5th day of March 1801, and came to this country while yet quite young. Shortly after his arrival here he engaged as gardener to old Gen. Taylor and remained in the family, filling that capacity up to a few years ago, when infirmities brought on by his advance age overcame him.

His funeral took place this morning from St Stephen Church where a High Mass was celebrated at 8 o'clock. A large circle of friends and acquaintances accompanied the remains to their last resting place in the Catholic Cemetery.


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