Charles Alexander Mauget

Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 October 1895, page 7

Considerable excitement was created on York Street, Newport, this morning by a wordy altercation between Charles Mauget the tailor, and Harry Taliaferro but which failed to result seriously. It seems that Mauget accosted Taliaferro in his usual impulsive manner for payment of a disputed bill and when the latter kiddingly refused to comply, at the same time flashing a roll of bills, the tailor rushed off to Squire Singleton's office and caused his arrest on a charge of provoking a breach of peace.

Tom Hearne and Mauget became involved a controversy in the Squire's office, in which some pretty strong language was indulged in. Finally all three were placed under bond to appear for trial tomorrow morning.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 October 1896, page 5

The Democratic convention met at Hayman Hall Newport, at 2 pm Saturday afternoon to nominate candidates for Alderman School Board and Council. The slate fixed is as follows: Aldermen-Charles Mauget and James Smith.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 August 1899, page 5

Mrs. Charles Mauget and daughter, Adell and son Charles, accompanied by Otto Janceon, left for a visit to Pueblo Colo. to remain for two months.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 January 1903, page 3

The case of the Cohan brothers against Charles Mauget was dismissed in the Campbell Circuit Court Friday morning for want of prosecution.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 February 1903, page 5

Adelia M Bradley filed suit Monday against Charles Mauget to recover $150 on a promissory note. The plaintiff is a daughter of the defendant and the suit is another chapter in the domestic troubles of the family.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 April 1903, page 5

Adelia M Bradley versus Charles Mauget suit on a lost note, plaintiff must give bond for the lost note.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 May 1903, page 5

The damage suit of James Robinson against Charles Mauget for $5000 set for trial in the Campbell Circuit Court Tuesday was not called, the matter having been settled out of court. Robinson and Mauget got together and compromised with the understanding Mauget is to pay Robinson $100, all cost, including attorney fees and a public apology. An apology was made in the court and the case was settled.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 June 1903, page 5

The Newport Fire Department was called at 2 pm Sunday to the tailoring establishment of Charles Mauget, corner of York Street and James Alley, Newport, where a fire was discovered in a rear room on the ground floor. the flue had been stopped up with paper and burning soot from the floor above fell down and ignited it.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 December 1903, page 2

The naphtha launch Mauget belonging to Charles Mauget of Newport Ky. was badly damaged.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 July 1904, page 5

Charles Mauget of Newport came into the Campbell Circuit Court Wednesday and paid a judgment rendered against him. Mauget's daughter Mrs. Adelia Bradley sued to recover $150 alleged to be due on a note. The jury gave a verdict for the full amount with interest amounting to $201. Mauget's attorney, Thomas Carothers advised him to settle the case.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 July 1907, page 5

A marriage which will be a surprise to many was announced yesterday in Newport. On May 30, Charles Mauget, a retired merchant tailor, was secretly wedded to Mrs. Marie Schebek, of 813 Monroe Street. They were married at the home of Rev Rettig in Covington. The are now residing at the home of the bride.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 January 1910, page 7

The trial of Charles Mauget, aged tailor of Newport, who was arrested on Aug 31 last on the charge of killing his wife, Mrs. Margaret Mauget, will be called Tuesday morning by Judge Yungblut. The body of Mrs. Mauget was found at the bottom of a flight of stairs at the Mauget residence, 813 Monroe Street, Sunday morning, Aug 28 last, with a deep gash over the eye and numerous finger prints on the neck, which marks indicated she had been strangled to death

Mauget was arrested by Detectives Sheeran and Morton on a warrant charging Mauget with murder. The last grand jury charged the aged man with manslaughter on which he will be tried tomorrow. It is thought much difficulty will be had in securing a jury to try the case.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 January 1910, page 1

Claude Alexandre Mauget, 72, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France, was placed on trial Tuesday at Newport to answer the charge of manslaughter in connection with the death of his wife, Mrs. Martha Shebeck Mauget, last August. The grizzled veteran of the Crimean war took his seat in the courtroom beside his lawyers.

"Can a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor be guilty of a crime such as this? he asked. "It is impossible. Emperor Louis Napoleon himself honored me with the diploma of the Legion for bravery in the Crimea. How can such an awful crime as this be charged against me?" Miss Bertha Shebeck, daughter of Mrs. Mauget is the principal witness. Mauget had lived in Newport since 1863, the year he arrived in America. It was the Civil War period and armed with credentials from the American Ambassador to France, sought out of Secretary of War Stanton to offer his services in behalf of the Union.

Evidence brought before the grand jury is said to relate to violent quarrels Mauget and his wife had. Mauget has so far failed to produce anyone who saw him on the street walking, as he claims to have been doing in the hour of the alleged murder.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 January 1910, page 1

The twelve men who will sit in judgment of the manslaughter charge against Claude Alexander Mauget, veteran of the Crimean War, saw the gray haired man point out the place on the stairway landing of his home at 815 Monroe st. Newport, where Mrs. Marie Mauget, his wife, was found dead last Aug 22. His emotion was visible as he stood below the landing and pointing upward, said: "Zarie! eet is the place."

When Prosecutor Burkamp addressed the jury, the old man buried his head in his hands as he sat beside his son, Eddy Mauget.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 28 January 1910, page 3

The Mauget case ended in mistrial Thursday night, when the jury, which had been deliberating 33 hours reported to Judge Yungblut that no verdict could be reached. The jury was then dismissed.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 February 1910, page 5

Claude Mauget, the aged tailor of Newport, who is under indictment for manslaughter in that he caused his wife's death, will be retried April 5.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 18 June 1910, page 2

Charles A Mauget, aged Newport tailor and veteran of the Crimean War, was re-indicted on a charge of manslaughter in connection with the death of his wife, who was found dead in their home, her throat having been crushed.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 March 1911, page 5

The jury in the Mauget manslaughter trial failed to agree after a number of hours deliberation and were dismissed by Judge Yungblut, late Saturday.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 July 1911, page 5

Charles Mauget, the aged chevalier, charged with manslaughter, was released from a surety bond this morning and upon his own recognizance cited to appear in court when his case shall be called for trial. Mauget has reached the age of 77 years. Two trials have resulted in a hung jury in each case and it is hardly probably the case will be tried again.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 February 1915, page 3

Charles Mauget, 85, well known retired tailor of Newport, died Saturday night at his home, 514 York st. Newport. The deceased was for many years in the tailor business on York st. and was well known. Before coming to American he served in the French Army and received a Cross of the Legion of Honor. Three sons survive him.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 February 1915, page 1

Although the funeral will not be held until Tuesday afternoon the last will and testament of the late Charles Mauget was probated Monday. It was the intention of the children to have the body interred in Evergreen Cemetery, but the will directed his body be cremated and the ashes sent to France. The sum of $1000 is left to each of the grandchildren.

The balance of bonds be equally divided between Marie and the son Charles conditionally.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 February 1915, page 4

The funeral of Charles Mauget, retired tailor of Newport, who died several days ago was held Tuesday afternoon from the residence, 514 York st. The body is placed in a vault at Evergreen Cemetery until it will be cremated. The pallbearers were: Mayor August Helmbold, John Borches, D R P Dimmick, Thomas Weston, T P Carothers and Hal Morris.


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