Charles William Goodlander

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 25 April 1918, page 2

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Goodlander have received word that their son, William Goodlander has arrived in France.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 April 1919, page 2

William Goodlander, Ludlow, home after overseas duty in machine gun unit. Was wounded in action.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 July 1920, page 2

A merry crowd motored from Ludlow to Burlington and had a picnic on the farm of Oscar Bonta and wife Sunday. Members of the party were William Goodlander and wife and daughter, Edna.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 Oct 1920, page 3

William Goodlander Jr. returned home from Dover O. where he spent three weeks. He left Sunday for Chicago Ill. where he has accepted a position with the Greer Steel Co.


Charles William and Betty Frances Goodlander divorced 27 Nov 1934 in Denver, Colorado.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 8 January 1936, page 4

Mrs. William Goodlander and daughter, Edna have returned home from Columbus O. where Mrs. Goodlander was called by the death of her brother.


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