Charles A Scollon

Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 September 1906, page 5

Charles Morgan, of Newport, who died at Speers Hospital, Dayton Ky. Tuesday, after taking morphine and cyanide of potassium, was buried in Evergreen Cemetery yesterday with military honors. He had enlisted at Ft Thomas under the name of Scollon, giving his home as Philadelphia. Two months ago he disappeared from the fort and was posted as a deserter.

Deserters are not given a military funeral and the officers at the post were puzzled for a time as to the proper procedure, as the case has few, if any, precedents. Morgan or Scollon, had not been tried and convicted as a deserter and therefore was not technically one. Telegrams were sent yesterday to alleged relatives of the deceased under the names of Scollon and Morgan at Philadelphia, but no replies were received. Scollon, who had been employed in the canteen here, allegedly deserted from Co M Fourth Infantry on June 26 of the present year.

It has been a mystery to the physicians how the man lived nearly a day with such a deadly drug as the cyanide in his stomach as he took enough to kill several men.


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