Celeste O'Shaughnessy

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 August 1906, page 5

Miss Celeste O'Shaughnessy, daughter of the millionaire Newport distiller, tired of worldly life just as she was stepping on the threshold of it and has entered Mt St Martin's Convent. The closest friends of Miss O'Shaughnessy were surprised at her action. She is accomplished, beautiful, a social favorite.

Miss O'Shaughnessy graduated from the Immaculate Academy four years ago and later from the Academy of Notre Dame. Wednesday she called on her intimate friends and relatives, distributed her jewels and valuables among them and bade each goodbye and was driven in a closed carriage to Mt St Martin's Academy. She left her friends with a laugh and a wave of the hand.

Inquiries at the home for a motive for her act elicited only the fact she yearned for the atmosphere in which she had been educated. "It was the call of the convent and she answered it," they said.


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