Carthage Home Guard


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 2 May 1861, page 1


Pursuant to a published call, a meeting of the citizens of Carthage and vicinity, irrespective of party, was held at Carthage, Campbell County, Kentucky, on Saturday April 27, for the purpose of organizing a Home Guard, for the protection of our lives and property against lawless bands of thieves and murderers, who while our people are bewildered at the fearful horrors of civil war which now threaten to desolate our once happy land, may improve the opportunity of accomplishing their diabolical mischief.

The meeting was called to order by appointing R F Baker, Esq. of Alexandria to the Chair and T F Tarvin, Secretary.  The object of the meeting being briefly stated by the Chair, the meeting preceded to appoint a committee to draft resolutions embodying the sentiments of the meeting.

After the committee retired, appropriate remarks were made by several gentlemen-Jas White, Esq. of Alexandria; Dr. J F Trusdell, of California; Wm Starges and Juba McDonald, Esqs. of New Richmond, Ohio and Mr. Morin of Flagg Spring.  The remarks were full of patriotism, the speakers denouncing all fanaticism and fire eating.  Mr. Morin said he could not determine which he hated the most, a Secessionist, an Abolitionist or the Devil.

A committee from a similar meeting at New Richmond, Ohio conferred with our meeting, and read the resolutions adopted by their organization, which were cheerfully endorse by our meeting.  The committee then returned and reported the following resolutions:

Resolved, That for the better protection of all those high and inestimable privileges we have heretofore enjoyed under the free government which is now threatened by foes on either side of us, we do organize ourselves into a body to be called a Home Guard.

Resolved, That we use every effort in our power to suppress all disturbances that may arise in our community and that our earnest efforts be devoted to the preservation of law and order.

Resolved, That we highly appreciate the resolutions adopted by our friends of New Richmond Ohio, for their protection and that we heartily co-operate with the spirit of their resolutions.

The books were then opened for the names of those persons who wished to enlist in our Home Guard, which resulted i the reception of nearly fifty names.  Moved by Mr. Morin, that a copy of the proceedings of the meeting be sent to the Cincinnati Enquirer and that the Louisville papers be requested to copy.  Carried.

The meeting was then adjourned to meet on Monday evening next at six o'clock at Carthage. RS BAKER, Chairman; T F TARVIN, Secretary


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