Carroll William Kuhl

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 December 1943, page 1

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuhl, Washington street, Alexandria, were notified yesterday that their son, Private Carrol (sic) W Kuhl, 23 years old, was injured fatally at Yuma Arizona, yesterday. A communication from the War Department informed the parents that Private Kuhl died of injuries received "in a motor vehicle accident."

Before entering the Army in July 1942, Private Kuhl was employed at Sauters Service Station, Fifth and York streets, Newport. He was a graduate of Campbell County High School. Besides his parents, he is survived by a sister, Eileen Kuhl. Funeral arrangement will be announced after the arrival of the body.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 December 1943, page 9

Funeral services for Pvt. Carroll W Kuhl, 23, of Washington avenue, Ky. will be held Wednesday at the home with services at 2:30 pm at the St Paul Evangelical and Reformed Church, Alexandria. Burial will be in Alexandria Cemetery.

Pvt. Kuhl was killed in an auto accident last Tuesday at Yuma, Ariz. He had been in the Army since July 1942. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuhl and a sister, Eileen Kuhl. Fred A Erschell & Son, Newport, have charge of the funeral.


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