Carrie Taliaferro

Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 July 1895, page 5

Mrs. Carrie M Taliaferro died Saturday afternoon at her home in the Highlands, leaving two sons and two daughters. Funeral Tuesday at 3 pm from her home. Burial private.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 July 1895, page 6


The funeral of Mrs. Carrie Taliaferro occurred yesterday afternoon from her late residence in the Highlands, Rev McCready officiating. Only friends of the family were present. The pall bearers were Messers. Dr. Withrow, E M Wooley, Benjamin Hey, Thomas Moore, Charles Evans, Shaler Berry and William Glazier. The interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 6 July 1895, page 6

The will of Mrs. Carrie M Taliaferro provided for the sale of her estate, the investment of the property and payment of income equally among her four children. Her executors are Charles H Wilby, Ben Hey and Shaler Berry. The witnesses were Ed C Remme and Samuel Shaw.


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