Carrie Fox

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 19 September 1862, page 3


SHOCKING ACCIDENT-One of the most terrible accidents that it has ever been our painful duty to record, took place yesterday about noon. Miss Carrie Fox, a young lady aged about fifteen years, whose parents reside at No 36 Orchard street, between Ringgold and Mayo, attempted to kindle a fire in a stove by pouring oil out of a lamp on to some paper, which she intended to place under the wood.

After thoroughly saturating the paper will oil, she applied a math to it when suddenly the lamp which she held in her hand exploded with a terrible noise, scattering fragments in every direction and burhing Miss Fox in a most shocking manner. Her eyes were almost totally destroyed and her face, hands, arms and body burned almost to a crisp.

The unfortunate girl presented the most shocking sight we have ever beheld. She lingered in great agony until six o'clock last evening when death terminated her suffering. Deceased was quite an interesting young girl and the only child of Mr. Alfred M Fox. The heart rending affair has cast a gloom over the whole community.


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