Dr. Carolyn Zimmerman

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 May 1903, page 5

Dr. Carolyn Zimmerman has returned from New Orleans where she attended the American Medical Association annual session.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 December 1904, page 3

The Newport Assembly of Loyal Americans has elected as Medical Examiner, Carolyn Zimmerman.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 July 1905, page 1

Dr. Emma J Bachelor and Dr. Carolyn E Zimmerman will be among those representing Cincinnati at the convention of the American Medical Association, which meets at Portland Ore. July 11 to 14.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 March 1906, page 5

Dr. Carolyn Zimmerman, Newport, had a close call from serious injury yesterday afternoon in front of her home on Washington av. Dr. Zimmerman had just entered her buggy and in taking up the reins, pulled on one of them, causing the horse to swerve in front of north bound Ft Thomas car. The animal was knocked down by the car and badly bruised, but Dr. Zimmerman escaped unhurt. The buggy was badly damaged.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 April 1907, page 5

Carolyn Zimmerman filed suit yesterday in the Campbell Circuit Court against Peter Langendorfer and O G Thompson to recover $500. She alleges she contracted with the defendants to erect a house in Clifton for $2200, and Langendorfer sublet the brick work to Thompson. She alleges that upon the representation of the defendants the building had been constructed to the specifications she paid over the contract price, but later discovered the workmanship on the walls was so poor the water permeated the bricks and ran down inside, making the plaster wet.

She says when she discovered the state of affairs she called upon them to remedy the trouble, but they have not done so. She says it will take $500 to make the necessary repairs.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 July 1907, page 5

In a suit filed today in the Campbell Circuit Court, Carolyn Zimmerman seeks to recover from Peter Langendorfer $150, alleged to be due for repairing a house in Clifton. In her peitition she alleges she contracted with Langendorfer to erect the house at a cost of $1830, which she paid. Since then she alleges she discovered the house was not constructed properly and she had to expend the amount sued for in remedying the alleged defects.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 July 1915, page 1

New Maple Grove Park on Water Works rd. just south of Newport, will be a Mecca for safe and sane celebrants on the Fourth Monday, when park is opened with appropriate ceremonies. Dr. Carolyn Zimmerman and Mrs. Charles (Cora) Kelm, originators aided by Newport Women's Civic League, will be in charge.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 July 1915, page 1

Dr. Carolyn Zimmerman and Mrs. E Wendt, representing Newport Civic League, asked city aid for equipment of Maple Grove Park, the new playground on Water Works rd.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 February 1916, page 1

The Women's Civic League of Newport announced an outline of the work hoped to be accomplished during the summer will be made. The league was organized in June 1915 by Dr. Cora E Kehm and Dr. Carolyn Zimmerman.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 March 1916, page 1

Newport Women's Civic League elected: Treasurer, Mrs. Cora Kehm; Press Committee, Dr. Carolyn Zimmerman and Mrs. Kehm.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 May 1916, page 1

Newport Equal Rights Association will be organized in Carnegie Library auditorium, Fourth and Monmouth sts. Newport, Friday night, according to Dr. Carolyn E Zimmerman, mover of the plan. The association will not affiliate with county, state or national bodies at this time. The meeting will be open to the public.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 April 1923, page 3

Dr. Carolyn E Zimmerman, 64, resident of Campbell co. for more than 50 years and practicing physician for more than 25 years, passed away at her home, 140 North st. Southgate, Monday. She is survived by her husband, G A Zimmerman, a jeweler, of Cincinnati.

NOTICE: Members of the Purity Council No 13, DofA, will hold a special meeting at the residence of Mrs. Harry Lape, 325 W 12th st. Newport, to take action on the death of our member, Dr. Caroline (sic) Zimmerman.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 April 1923, page 6

Funeral of Dr. Carolyn Zimmerman, wife of G A Zimmerman, who died Monday, will be held Thursday at 2 pm from the residence, 140 North st. Southgate. Dr. Zimmerman had practices medicine in Campbell co. for 25 years.


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