Whig Meeting in Campbell


The Licking Valley Register, Covington, Friday, June 4, 1847




At a meeting of the Whigs of Campbell County, held at Alexandria on Saturday, the 29th of May 1847, to select delegates to attend a convention of the whigs of the 10th Congressional district to be holden (sic) in the City of Covington on the 8th day of June next.  Sen. D Beall was called to the Chair and George W Carmack appointed Secretary.

After the object of the meeting begin explained by Ben D Beall the following resolutions were read and unanimously adopted.

1st Resolved, That the following persons be appointed delegates to attend said convention viz. James McCron, Wm C Young, Edward P Ball, Edward Morin, Edward Tarvin, Jno C Tarvin, Calvin Washburn, Frederick Young, Thomas G West, Edward P Damerson, Ben D Beall, J O Blackerby, Geo W Carmack, Jas A Piner, R T Baker, Lewis Hen, Elijah M Caldwell, Samuel Carter, M P Smith, C Daniel, H H Mayo, Jas T Berry, Dr.Ross, Samuel Winston and Robert Aur.

2nd Resolved, That should there be a probability of Major John P Gaines, arriving at home in time to canvass the district that he received the nomination, but should that probability not exist, this meeting earnestly recommend to the consideration of the Convention Maj. John N Taliaferro, with a full confidence that in his canvassing the district, from his talent, urbane and courteous manner, he will unite the Whig party as closely as any other person, and his claims are urged from the further consideration, that old Campbell has been the seat of war, the Battle field of the 10th district, and that with him (he being a resident of of Campbell) we can turn the tide of battle and that when the election is over our Banner will be unfurled to the breeze with a Whig, majoring with admiration the brilliant achievements of Generals Taylor and Scott at the battles of Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo, which alike are proofs of American Chivalry and valor.

4th Resolved, That should Old Rough and Ready have opposition or not, he will be the successful candidate for the Presidency in 1848.

5th, Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Licking Valley Register.

Benj. D Beall, Chm. G W Carmack, Sec'y.


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