Carl Muenzemeier

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 July 1908, page 5


Carl Muenzemeier, 13, son of Charles Muenzemeier, of 232 Boone St. Newport died at any early hour today at his home after suffering awful agony, the result of an attack of tetanus. Young Muenzemeier was only ill since Monday when the disease set in from a slight wound in his right foot. He had been fishing in one of the pools in Taylor Mill Bottoms, Friday last and in wading about the water stepped on an old can, the jagged edge of which penetrated the under part of his big toe.

The wound made was only a slight one and the boy paid but little attention to it. Sunday the member began to swell and a physician was summoned, who pronounced it a case of blood poison. Everything possible was done to prevent lockjaw, but late Sunday night tetanus symptoms set in and the boy grew rapidly worse.

Young Muenzemeier's death makes the fifth youth in Newport to die from the dread disease within as many months. The funeral will be held Thursday.


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