Lieutenant Carl C Jones

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 March 1903, page 5

A wedding of much interest to the people of this vicinity took place at Knoxville Iowa Wednesday night when Miss Jane Black and Lieut. Carl C Jones, of the Third Infantry were united in marriage at the bride's home. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be at home to their friends at Ft Thomas on and after March 15.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 March 1904, page 8

Lieut. Carl C Jones, who is always interested in athletics, is detailed as Superintendent of athletics at the post and is placed in general charge of the gym building. Lieut. Jones was Captain of the regimental baseball team last season and it is thought he will be the playing manager this year. Lieut. Jones' assistant at the gym is Sergeant Rov Ayes, a prominent all around athlete of the Third.

In accordance with the orders of Col. Woodbury, the Post Commandant, the instructions in athletics will commence Monday morning and continue through the week, except Saturday and Sunday. Two companies will report for drill at the designated hour and after exercising for one half hour, will be succeeded by two companies and so on until all the companies have had the drill.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 May 1904, page 8

It is understood that Lieutenants Samuel C Orchard, Carl C Jones, Allen Smith Jr. Charles Kelley and G W Ervington of the Third, will leave about May 22, preceding the departure of the regiment, and proceed to Alaska to relieve officers of the Eighth Infantry in charge of construction work at army posts and become acquainted with the surroundings of these posts. Lieut. Smith is to have charge of the steamer General Liseum on the Yukon River, transporting supplies to military stations.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 May 1904, page 8

Second Lt. Carl C Jones, Third Infantry, has been ordered to report to the President of the Examining Board at Ft Leavenworth Kansas, for examination for promotion.


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