Carl L Ernst

Kentucky Post, Monday, February 10, 1908, page 5

Brew Master of the Wiedemann Co. Succumbs to an Attack of Grip

Carl L Ernst, 39, brew master for the Wiedemann Brewing Co. died yesterday at his residence in the Alhambra Flats, East Third-st. Newport, after a short illness.  Death was due to pneumonia, the result of an attack of grip.  Mr. Ernst began life as brewery workman, after coming from Germany.  He was rapidly promoted and after taking a course in a brew masters' school in Chicago, entered the service of the Wiedemann Co.  The deceased was a member of Newport Lodge of Elks and is survived by a widow and one son.

The Elks will hold a special meeting tonight to take action on the death and will meet tomorrow night at the Elks Home and will march in a body to the Ernst home, where the services of the order will be conducted by the officers of the lodge.  The funeral services will be held Wednesday at 9 am at the Immaculate Conception Church.

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