Campbell County Kentucky Equal Rights Association

1889 Second KERA Convention

There were no Campbell County members listed at this conference.

1890 Third KERA Convention

There were no Campbell County members listed at this conference.

1891 Fourth KERA Convention

Hygiene and Dress Improvement for the State: Dr. Sarah M Seiwers
President for Campbell County Chapter; Dr. Sarah M Seiwers
Recording Secretary: Miss Alice L Neleans
Treasurer: Mrs. Mary A Smith

Members; Dr. Emma Gunkel
Miss Mary Muggridge
Mrs. M Muggridger
Miss Cora Davis
Miss Sarah Stewart
Mrs. Dameron
Miss Annie Morgan


1892 Fifth KERA Convention

President; Dr. Sarah M Siewer-Newport
Cor. Sec. Alice L Neleans-Newport
Treas. Mary A Smith-Newport

Other members:

Emma Gunkle MD
Mrs. Lucy Dameron
Miss Mary Smith
Miss Sade Stewart
Mrs. Siewers
Mrs. Ryder
Mrs. Stieison
Miss Cora Davis
Mr. M Christian
Miss Annie Morgan
Mrs. J W Gilker
Miss Annie Hancock
Miss Eva Hancock
Mr. John Hancock
Mrs. Mary Smith
Mrs. Mary Tutin
Miss Etta Bullock
Mrs. Gunkel
Miss Aliva Burke
Mr. George Pearson
Mrs. Delia Pearson
Mr. Fred Daniels
Mr. Will Daniels
Mrs. Olivia Corbert
Mrs. W H Gayle
Miss Virginia Kugg
Mrs. Col. (Mary Keturah Taylor) Jones
Mrs. J A Jenacon
Mrs. Mary Muggeridge
Miss Emma Muggeridge
Miss S Muggeridge


1893 Sixth KERA Convention

State Third Vice-President: Mrs. Thomas L Jones
Recording Secretary: Mrs. Mary Muggeridge-Bellevue
Hygiene and Dress Improvement for the State: Dr. Sarah M Seiwers
Advancement of Women's Work in the Public School: Miss Anna Morgan-Newport

Local Chapter Officers

President: Dr. Sarah M Siewers
Secretary: Alice L Neleans
Treasurer: Mary A Smith


1894 Seventh KERA Convention

State Officers

Third Vice President: Mrs. Mary K Jones
Recording Secretary: Dr. Sarah M Siewers-Newport
Advancement of Women's Work in the Schools: Miss Anna Morgan-Newport

Local Officers

President: Dr. Sarah M Siewers-Newport
Secretary: Mrs. Mary Muggeridge
Treasurer: Mrs. A J Simpson


1895 Eighth KERA Convention

State Officers

Hygiene and Physical Culture: Dr. Kate Roebuck-Newport
Advancement of Women's Work in the Schools; Miss Anna Morgan-Newport

Local Officers

President: Mrs. Mary Muggeridge
First Vice President: Mrs. T L Beauruth
Second Vice President: Mrs. Mary K Jones
Corresponding Secretary: Dr. Katherine Roebuck
Recording Secretary: Mrs. Mary E Wood
Treasurer: Mrs. Mary Geske


1897 Ninth KERA Convention

State Officers

Hygiene and Physical Culture: Dr. Louise Southgate-Newport
Advancement of Women's Work in the School: Miss Anna Morgan-Newport

Local Officers

President: Mrs. Emma Roebuck-Newport
Vice President: Mrs. Mary Muggeridge-Newport
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Amanda Stimson-Newport
Recording Secretary: Mrs. Hannah L Spring-Newport
Treasurer: Mrs. Emily Meeker-Newport


1899 Eleventh KERA Convention

State Officers

Advancement of Women's Work in the Schools: Miss Anna Morgan-Newport


With the passage of the Right to Vote, the KERA reorganized themselves into the League of Women Voters.


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