J H Blonn Saloon

Cincinnati Enquirer, 17 June 1891, page 4


Only 9 years of age and caught robbing a cash drawer! The juvenile thief was accompanied by another who age could not have been over 11 years and who succeeded in escaping. For the past few days two little girls have been eating at various houses in Newport Ky. peddling vegetables.

Yesterday afternoon they entered J H Blonn's saloon at the corner of Tenth and Hamlet streets. The proprietor was sleeping in a rear room and did not hear them enter. One of the girls slipped behind the counter and opening the cash drawer, while the other stood in the doorway to keep watch. In taking the money out of the drawer, however, the girl made some noise, which awoke Blonn. He hurried out and caught the child just as she was running out the door.

Lieutenant Rehling was summoned and searched her finding $13.50 in her pocket. Her companion succeeded in making her escape but the prisoner stated they both lived on Harris street. Blonn refused to place a charge against the child on account of her tender age and she was released.


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