Family Bible
The Holy Bible...Baltimore, published by Fielding Lucas Jr. No 138 Market St. Originally owned by Jacob W Piatt, now (1962) in the possession of Mrs. Schuyler T Lockwood, Covington. Copied 1962 by Mrs. John P Lockwood, Boone Co Chapter DAR in Florence Ky. Published in the Kentucky Bible Records Volume I in 1962.
Jacob W Piatt born 29 Mar 1801
in Boone Co
Caroline Canfield (wife of J W) was born in Elizabethtown NJ 3 October 1804
Martha E Delvalcourt (wife of J W) was born at Baltimore 9 Mar 1814
Juliet E Piatt, daughter of J W
& Caroline Canfield was born at Cincinnati Tuesday, 11 September 1827
Caroline E Piatt, daughter of J W & Caroline Canfield, was born in Morris Co New
Jersey Saturday 4 July 1829
Laura E Piatt, daughter of J W
& Martha E Devalcourt was born at Cincinnati 11 September 1839
Arabella M Piatt, daughter of J W & Martha E Devalcourt was born at Cincinnati
19 Oct 1841
Benjamin Mahlon Piatt was born 29 Oct 1842 at Cincinnati
Charles Devalcourt Piatt was born Monday evening 23 Mar 1840 at Cincinnati
Margaret Theodora Piatt was born 9 Oct 1847 at Cincinnati
Eugenia Wykoff Piatt was born 21 February 1849 at Cincinnati
Adele Piatt was born 2 June 1852 on Monday at 8 o'clock AM at Cincinnati
Jacob Wykoff Piatt was born at Cincinnati, Nov 24, 1853
Edward Courtney Piatt was born at Federal Hall Ky July 25, 1858
Jacob W Piatt and Caroline
Canfield were married on Tuesday, 29 August 1826
Jacob W Piatt and Martha Eugenia Devalcourt were married on Tuesday, 29 August
Juliet E Piatt and Michael Shoemaker were married on 18 July 1857 at Mackocheek,
Logan Co Oh
Caroline E Piatt and Thos C Jenkins were married Nov 1856
Arabella Piatt and Robt W Carroll were married on the 1st of May 1860 at
Cincinnati Ohio
Charles Devalcourt Piatt and Catherine M Nolan were married on February 16, 1871
by Bishop Toebbe, St Mary's Cathedral in Covington
Martha Eugenia Devalcourt Piatt and Schuyler Tunstall Lockwood were married on
Wednesday, June 29, 1917 at Rockhurst College, Kansas City Mo by Fr Hoffend, S J
John Piatt Lockwood and Barbara Eleanor Duer were married May 22, 1944 at
Blessed Sacrament Church in Ft Mitchell
Child of Charles Devalcourt and Katherine Nolan
John Wykoff Piatt was born in
Covington February 2, 1872; d-February 4, 1915
Louis A Piatt was born at Federal Hall Ky May 6, 1873; d-February 5, 1920
Mary Arabella Piatt was born at Federal Hall Ky October 1, 1874; d-July 8 1957;
married Bruce Randall Morton 1900
Charles Devalcourt Piatt II born at Federal Hall Ky October 21, 1876; d-Mar 10,
Josephine Piatt born at Federal Hall Ky August 4, 1878; d-March 10, 1882
Eugene Carroll Piatt born at Federal Hall Ky March 4, 1880; d-May 4, 1946
Mary Piatt born in the Highlands of Campbell Co Feb 20, 1882; d-Feb 27 1882
Marie Piatt born in the Highlands of Campbell Co February 11, 1883; d-10 May
Martha Eugenia Devalcourt Piatt born in the Highlands Sunday August 17, 1884;
married Schuyler T Lockwood 1917
Edward J Piatt born in the Highlands Tuesday Feb 16, 1886
Katherine Piatt born Lawrenceburg Indiana, November 25, 1887; d-January 7, 1888
Francis DeSales Piatt born at Federal Hall January 9, 1890
Children of Schuyler Tunstall Lockwood and Martha Eugenia Devalcourt
John Piatt Lockwood born at
Happy Hill, Kansas City Mo, August 17, 1918
Eugene Devalcourt Lockwood born in Erlanger October 27, 1924
Children of John Piatt Lockwood and Barbara Eleanor Duer
John Schuler Lockwood born
Donna Eugenia Lockwood born October 27 1947 in Covington; died October 29, 1947
Ann Elisabeth Lockwood born Covington
Martha Devalcourt Lockwood born Covington
Barbara Susan Lockwood born Covington
Mary Christina Lockwood born Covington
Donna Marie Lockwood born Covington
Mary Victoria Lockwood born Covington
Jennifer Joy Lockwood born Covington
Caroline Piatt, wife of J W
Piatt, died 6 February 1830 at Cincinnati and is buried in the Sanctuary Church
Yard, Morris Co New Jersey
Laura E Piatt, daughter of J W Piatt and Martha E Devalcourt, died at Mackacheek,
Logan Co Oh 28 September 1840
Margaret Theodora Piatt died at Cincinnati on 18 January 1850 and is buried at
Mackacheek, Logan Co Oh
Margaret Devalcourt, mother of J W & M E Piatt died at Cincinnati on 2 July 1850
Juliet E Shoemaker, daughter of Caroline & J W Piatt, died at Jackson Mich on 27
Sep 1854
Jacob Wykoff Piatt, husband of Martha E Piatt, died May 28, 1857 at Federal Hall
Eugenia Wykoff Piatt, daughter of Jacob W and Martha E Piatt, died August 17,
1879 at South Side, Ohio
Edward courtney Piatt, son of Jacob W & Martha E Piatt died August 29, 1894 at
Lexington Ky
Jacob Wykoff Piatt Jr. son of Jacob W and Martha E Piatt, died Sep 9, 1894 at
Ben M Piatt died in Pasadena Calif.
Mary Arabella Piatt Carroll died Jan 21 1932 in Cincinnati
Charles Dev Piatt died Dec 10, 1932 at Ft Mitchell
Martha Eugenia Dev Piatt, wife of Jacob Wykoff Piatt, died December 5, 1903 in