Family Bible
Title page missing.
Bible now (1962) in possession of Mrs. Albert Colston, Covington. Copied
January 1961 by Mrs. Clifford Coyle, Regent of Boon County DAR, Florence Ky.
Published in "Kentucky Bible Records Volume II" in 1962.
William D Jacobs, son of Moses
Jacobs and Mary, his wife, was born the 11th day August 1824
Eliza Jane Jacobs, wife of William Jacobs, born 5th June 1828
George Mason Dallas Jacobs, son of William Jacobs and Eliza Jane Jacobs, his
wife was born the 11th December 1844
William Jasper Jacobs was born 30th March 1846
Louise Green Jacobs was born the 4th April 1848
Arthur Milton Jacobs was born the 3rd day of June 1850
Olivia Helen Jacobs was born 11th October 1851
Martha Ann Jacobs was born 3rd November 1852
Arthur Milton Jacobs was born 4th April 1853
Marion and Mary Porter Jacobs were born the30th April 1854
Nancy Alice Jacobs was born the 1st June 1856
Anna Liza Jacobs was born 3rd July 1858
Lamich? Washington Wilson was
born the 5th January 1863
George Francis Wilson was born the 8th day February 1865
Grant Aquilla Wilson was born 13th January 1869
Mary Julick was born the 15th March 1877
William Jacobs was married the 8th day of February 1844 to Eliza Jane Jackson
Eliza Jane Jacobs, wife of
George Wilson died 1860
Died the 24th day of August 1850, Arthur Milton Jacobs, the son of William
Jacobs and Eliza Jane Jacobs, his wife
William Jacobs died December 17, 1858, aged 34 years 4 months 6 days