Family Bible
From a copy of the original records held at the Campbell County Historical Society. There is nothing to indicate who wrote this information or who owned the bible.
Caroline Jane Drake was born
August 4 in the year of our Lord 1812 in Maysville, Mason Co, Kentucky
Caroline Jane Drake Miller died Saturday morning 4 am April 5th 1884. Buried
Monday afternoon April 7th 2 PM
Funeral text:
"Cast not away therefore your confidence which had great recompense of reward.
Hebrews 10th chapter 35th verse"
John T Drake was born Sept 25th
Carrie J Drake was born March the 12th 1869
Edward Alfred Smith was born
April 7th 1874, son of Charles A and Mollie Smith
Edna Gunkle Bennett was born November 8th 1885, daughter of Edith B and Laridson
H Benentt
Jackson Smith was born eighth day of February One Thousand Eight hundred and
Caroline J Smith was baptized on the first day of May 1842
Thomas William Smith was born March 5th 1839
Mary Ann W Smith was born on the 5th day of July 1843
Th L Smith was baptized on the 25th day of April 1843
Edward J Smith was born February 8th 1829
Mary Bruner was born August 22nd 1829
Charles Alfred Smith was born March 13th1852
Edward Henry Smith was born May 7 1854
Irene Luella Smith was born March 1st 1856
Nathaniel Shaler Smith was born August 30th 1857
Edith Bell Smith was born October 14th 1859
Samuel Jackson Smith was born September 7th 1861
Frank Davidson Smith was born May 28th 1863
Harry Clinton Smith was born May 3 1865
Walter Jordan Smith was born June 6th 1868
Elmer Thomas Smith was born Oct 10th 1870
Marriage Certificate reads: This is to certify that Elias A Miller of the city of Newport in the state of Kentucky and Caroline J Smith of the city of Newport in the state of Kentucky, were joined in HOLY MATRIMONY on the first day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-one by me Wm B Ross, Minister of the Gospel Newport KY; In presence of Jeremiah Marsh and Charles James.
Mr. Edward J Smith to Miss Mary
Bruner January 23rd 1850 in Jeffersonville Indiana
John M Drake on the evening of the 16th of April 1866 by the Rev M Spillman, to
Miss Mary W Smith
Charles A Smith to Mollie Leonhard September 10th 1873 at the residence of E A
Miller, Dayton KY
Maggie Miller to Julias K King on the evening of the 14th of November 1882
Saunden H Bennett to Edith B Smith June 10th 1884 at home of The Rev Minister
Samuel J Smith to Jeannie Baumgardner April 23rd 1886
Nate S Smith to Nellie Dickerson May 29th 1884 at the residence of Jeff
Dickerson Ft Wayne IN
Frank D Smith to Mattie Schiefer Newport KY Nov 24th 1886
Walter J Smith to Lida Venier Oct 31st 1895 at Canton Ohio
Caroline Jane Boone Smith
Miller died April 5, 1884; wife of E A Miller, mother of Capt. Edw. J Smith and
grandmother of Chas A Smith
Sarah Dickerson died on the 3rd day of June 1850 aged 57 years of Disease
Edward Henry Smith died on Monday Sept 8, 1855, aged 1 year 3 months and 27 days
Irene Luella Smith died on Friday July 31st 1857, aged 7 years and 5 months
Elizabeth Bruner (Mother of Mary Smith) died on Thursday March 8th 1860, aged 61
years 11 months and 18 days
Harry Clinton Smith died on Tuesday June 26th 1866, aged 1 year 1 month 23 days
John M Drake died on the 18th of Nov 1871 in the 35th day of his age. Disease
spinal meningitis
Henry Bruner died on Sunday Sept 9th 1872 aged 45 years
John Drake died on Sunday Nov 19 1842/72, aged 35 years
Thomas W Smith departed to spirit quite on 30th April 1865 in his 26 years of
E A Miller died on the 3rd of August 1878 in the 77th year of his age.
Disease general debility
Mary W Drake died on Sunday March 4th 1883, aged 40 years; Second listing says
Mary died March 8th. Disease rheumatism of the heart age 41 years
Caroline J Miller died on Saturday April 5th 1884 aged 72 years
Eddie Alfred Smith died on Monday morning November 10th 1884, aged 10 years & 6
Edna Gunkle Bennett died on Tuesday morning April 1st 1889, aged 3 years 3
months & 22 days
Robert L Smith died on November 13th One Thousand Eight hundred and Forty-six
Obituaries of Elias A Miller and Caroline Miller