Frank Bezold Stories


Kentucky State Journal, Wednesday, 7 Sep 1892, page 4

"Gubser's Mill" Some people have their moonlight picnic but this place for a novelty has a moonlight barn raising.  Frank Bezold put up a little barn 30 by 30 feet for a storage house and wagon shed.  The boys came in and put it up by the light of the moon and it went up without accident in just 1 1/2 hours.  Frank then gave the boys a keg of Wiedemann's Muenchener.

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 Sep 1930, page 4


More than 600 persons, friends and relatives of Frank Bezold, storekeeper at Kohler, Campbell Co for 50 years, attended the surprise party given in honor of his golden anniversary in business there recently.

Bezold operated his store in September 1880 in a small frame structure that served both as a place of business and as a dwelling.  he hauled his first produce to Newport, a distance of 21 miles, with his father's horse and wagon.  Always striving to please his customers, he soon gained the good will of all in the community.  A few years ago, his present modern store building was erected.  His merchandise is delivered now in a motor truck, as old "Dobbin" was retired in 1914.

 Among those present were his six sons, two daughters and 20 grandchildren.  Some of the friends who attended are Judge A M Caldwell, Charles Kessing and son, Ed Herb Heeking, Frank Roosa, R S Pyle, Mrs. C Kline, John Wolpert, Fred Walzs, Dr. F Houston, Dr. Zinn, Joe Trapp, Joseph Wasser, F Vossmeyer, John Anton Seiter, Joseph and George Herringer, F Zink, Joseph and Charles Goetz.  Judge Caldwell presented a gold cup to Bezold on behalf of the storekeeper's children.  Music for the party was furnished by four customers, Joseph Seiter, Henry Chalk, Clem Eakerly and Phil Rust.  Amusements of the evening were dances and games.

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