Bertha L Schumate

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 March 1903, page 5

County Judge Hissem of Newport, Friday hear the argument of counsel in the case of George Groat, who is applying for a franchise to operate a skiff at the foot of Van Voast Avenue in Bellevue.

Bertha L Schumate, who was represented by Attorney George Leonard, stated to the court that she had secured a franchise for the same right in 1900, good for 20 years. Under the law that provides no franchise shall be granted for a ferry within 400 feet of one already located. Judge Hissem was compelled to refuse to grant Groat a franchise.

His attorneys Youngblut & Ryan, thereupon filed a motion that Miss Shumate's franchise be canceled on the ground that she was not complying with the terms of the franchise. This branch of the case will be heard later.


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