Bert Gosney

Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 December 1899, page 1

Fire Chief John Link of Newport, Saturday night suspended Pilot Bert Gosney of the Hook and Ladder Company, for absenting himself without leave. Gosney said his wife was ill and he left a substitute in his place while he went home.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 13 December 1899, page 8

The Newport Board of Police and Fire Commissioners held a special meeting last night for the purpose of hearing the charges preferred by the Fire Chief against Pilot Bert Gosney, of the hook and ladder truck, who was suspended last Friday.

The charge was that Gosney absented himself from the engine house on November 13 from 3 am to 6:45 am without permission: also on December 8 from 1:15 to 2:15 am.

Mr. Gosney pleaded guilty to the charge, but pleased in extenuation that his wife was sick and needed care and attention and as he lives next door to the engine house, he did not think he was committing a grievous wrong by going in the house and leaving Joseph Williams, a kind of sub, in his place until he returned. he asked for leniency.

Chief Link stated that things have come to the point now where he is suspicious of every man in the department for the reason that when one of the men does anything he keeps it to himself and the only way for him to find it out is to catch the man in the act. He spoke of catching men asleep while on night duty on several occasions and severely reprimanded them for it.

The question of sustaining the suspension of Gosney five additional days, making ten in all. The Mayor was instructed to give him a severe reprimand. This was done in the presence of the board.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 December 1899, page 6

Pilot L M Gosney of the One's Truck of Fourth Street, Newport, left Thursday for a few days hunt with friends near Paris Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 22 April 1901, page 7

Fireman Bert Gosney, who has been laid up for some time as the result of injuries sustained at the Wiedemann fire in East Third Street, Newport, was able to resume his place on the big truck yesterday.


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