Benjamin F Bristow

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 August 1950, page 1

Pfc. Benjamin (Bennie) Bristow, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bristow, 111 Washington avenue, Newport, was killed in action July 30 with the American forces in Korea, his parents were advised Thursday by the War Department. Pfc. Bristow was attached to the Fifth Cavalry Division.

It was just Wednesday Pfc. Bristow’s letter, dated July 20 from Korea, was received by his mother. “Don’t worry about me mom. Everything is all right and we are doing fine.” Pfc. Bristow enlisted in July 1948 and had been on overseas duty for more than a year and a half. Earlier in the week, Dave Taylor, Cincinnati, one of Pfc. Bristow’s soldier buddies, called upon Mr. and Mrs. Bristow to tell them of conditions in Korea and talk about her son.

Besides his parents, Pfc. Bristow leaves four sisters, Juanita, Florence, Barbara and Sheila. His father is an employee of the National Bag & Tag Co. Newport.


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