Benjamin Duke Beall Jr.

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 28 February 1861, page 2


Campbell Rangers is the name of the new military company at Alexandria, which was lately organized and mustered into the Kentucky State Guard by Major Hayes. The following are the names of officers: Captain B J Beall.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 10 September 1861, page 3


At a meeting of the citizens and voters of Cold Spring District, held at Walnut Hills Seminary, on Friday, September 6, 1861, on motion Frank Spilman was chosen Chairman of the meeting, and Ben Beall, Secretary.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 4 April 1865, page 2


The following deserters from the rebel army have reported in this city during the past two weeks, for registration under the late order of General Palmer: Benj. J Beall. Beall was a captain in the rebel service. Surrendered at Covington Kentucky 30 April 1865.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 8 May 1866, page 3

Yesterday the people of Campbell County, to the number of one thousand, voters assembled in mass convention for the purpose of nominating a Democratic ticket at Alexandria. The following nominations were by acclamation made: For Clerk of the Circuit Court, Benjamin Beall.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 14 June 1866, page 2


Notice have been received that the Democratic State Central Committee had appointed the following names person, Benjamin Beall, a meeting of said committee was held in Newport, on Tuesday, June 12, 1866. The committee organized by appointing H D Helm temporary Chairman and Benjamin Beall temporary Secretary.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 22 August 1866, page 3


At a meeting of the Democracy of Cold Springs, held at the tavern of Thomas Jenkins, on Saturday, the 18th. On motion, Hon John H Nelson was called to the chair and Benjamin Beall appointed Secretary and was appointed delegate.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 20 April 1869, page 7


The Court of Appeals now in session at Frankfort, has decided the appeal of Mrs. Rachford and Benjamin J Beall, cross petitioners in the celebrated Carney suit, involving the title to nearly all the land in the southern portion of Campbell County, by affirming the judgment of the Circuit Court, rendered in their favor.

The claim of Mrs. Carney having been decided adversely to her, the titles of the persons now in possession of the land are rendered perfect by the recent decision of the Court of Appeals, which is final.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 6 June 1874, page 2


The Circuit Court did a big day's work yesterday and Benj. Beall will consequently have a big day's work today. The Court adjourned all cases over until Monday except the Mansor will case which will be tried today. Benj. Beall was appointed by the Court Commissioner to supply lost records, under a law providing for the supply of papers and other records lost out of cases in Court.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 5 August 1874, page 7


Full returns outside the city, come in very slowly. Beall carried Alexandria by 3223 majority (a compliment of immense proportions) and polls such a heavy vote in the upper end that he may yet be elected. A gentleman thoroughly acquainted in the county, and very accurate at figures, had a statement yesterday showing Beall five ahead on a full county. Let us be patient.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 10 November 1874, page 2


BENJ. BEALL, ESQ. is at Cynthiana, performing the duties of Clerk to the Circuit Court during its present term.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 17 December 1875, page 2


MR. BEN BEALL, Ex-Circuit Court Clerk, as in town yesterday. He reports everything lovely at the county seat.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 21 July 1877, page 7

THE Alexandria Grand Jury appears to have been a body that would strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. The indictment against Ben Beall for picking strawberries on Sunday is a sample. Ben was so proud of the fact that for once in his life he made a perpetual records of it by pleading guilty and was fined $2 which he paid to himself as Trustee of the Jury Fund and took his own receipt for it.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 21 December 1877, page 7

Mr. Ben Beall of Alexandria, was in the city yesterday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 24 March 1879, page 6

At at meeting of the members of the Bar of Campbell County, held at the Court house in Alexandria on the 18th of March 1879, on the death of William M White, the Hon J S Boyd was called to the chair , with Hon Ben Beall as Secretary.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 12 August 1880, page 7

The friends of Ben Beall, who are truly numerous, are soliciting him to become a candidate for Legislature, preparatory to being an aspirant for Clerk of the Court of Appeals.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 14 August 1880, page 7

BENJAMIN BEALL, Esq. was granted the usual certificate yesterday in the County Court of honest, good demeanor and probity, previous to making an application to practice law.


Wichita Daily Eagle, Saturday, 3 May 1902, page 7

Colonel Benjamin D Beall, for many years a resident of this city, died yesterday at the advanced age of 77. His funeral will occur today from the home of J F Shearman and will be private. Colonel Beall leaves a widow and four daughters, Mrs. J F Shearman, Mrs. Dr. W A Jordan, Mrs. H V Gavigan of Chicago and Maria T Beall.


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