Barracks Expansion

Cincinnati Enquirer, 21 April 1917, page 16


Arrangements to increase the permanent post population of Ft Thomas, recruiting depot, from less than 1000 men to more than 4000 will be completed with the erection of 20 mess halls and sufficient barracks to house more than 3000 soldiers, bids for which were sought yesterday by Major E P Orton, post commandant.

In tents pitched on the reservation hills more than 800 men are sleeping at present, but the inability of the Quartermaster's Department to supply additional tentage caused the department to authorize the construction of temporary barracks of wood. With the tents already available the capacity of the post will be be more than 5000 men when the new barracks are completed.

Major Orton said yesterday a delay in receipt of bids on the work, certain portions of which were determined upon several days ago, might embarrass the post in handling the recruits. Recruits who have been withheld from the post more than a week because of the congested condition of the reservation, would begin to arrive Monday, Major Orton said.

Arrangements to transport 1000 recruits to destinations on the border early next week have been made. Officers at the camp are preparing to contribute their bit toward the increased food production of the country. A small tract of ground on the reservation is being ploughed and prepared for cultivation under their direction.

Vegetables from the garden doubtless will be utilized on fort tables.


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