Newport Barracks Illness

Covington Journal, Saturday, September 27, 1851, page 2

Cholera in the Barracks

In the early part of this week the cholera broke out in the Barracks in Newport. There have been it is said, 30 or 40 cases, but only four deaths.  It is the thought the worst is over.


Liberty Hall and Cincinnati Weekly Gazette, Thursday, 2 October 1851, page 4

We saw quite a number of tents near the buildings for the soldiers; Captain McCrae said he had them pitched on account of the breaking out of the cholera among his men last Monday evening. About twenty have been attacked, several have died. We are glad to know that the surgeon, Dr. O Bierne, reports the cases now under treatment, as convalescent.


Covington Journal, Saturday, October 11, 1851, page 2

Sickness at the Barracks

A statement made out, we suppose, by the Surgeon of the Army Hospital and published in the Newport News of the 9th inst. says that since the 22d of September last, there have been 198 cases of sickness in the Hospital, 90 of which were cholera.  In the same time there have been 11 deaths, 9 of cholera, 1 of diarrhea and 1 of typhoid fever.  Of these survivors all, with one exception, will recover in a short time.


Dollar Weekly Times, Cincinnati, Thursdy, 22 February 1855, page 3

The Missouri River is open for steamboat navigation from this city to Kansas. It is said the small pox has broken out among the troops from the Newport Barracks and four of them have been attacked.


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