Newport Barrack Court Orders

Court Order Book 1, page 88, February 1809

On the motion of Edmund Taylor who made oath and together with John Leathers, his security, entered into and acknowledge their bond in the sum of thirty dollars conditioned as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration of the estate of Sampson Bagnal, deceased, late a soldier of the United States Army of Newport in due form.

Court Order Book 1, page 102, August 1809

On the application of Thomas Martin, late an officer in the Virginia Continental Line, it is ordered to be certified that it appears to the satisfaction of this Court that a land warrant No 3200 issued to the said Thomas Martin for 444 2/3 Acres for his Seventh years Service in the Virginia Continental line and issued on the 23rd day of June 1784 that the said warrant ---- and that it has never been produced to the Surveyor set apart to survey & lay off the said lands, nor acted upon which is ordered to be certified to the register of Virginia in order to procure a duplicate of the said warrant.

Court Order Book 1, page 130, August 1810

On the motion of Rebeccah Satters who made oath & together with Lt. James W Bryson her security, entered into and acknowledged their bond in the sum of $50 conditioned as the law direct certificate is granted for her obtaining letters of Administration of the Estate of Sergeant John Satters, deceased, late of the United States Army at Newport in due form.

Court Order Book 1, page 189, January 1814

On the motion of John Leathers Junr. who made oath together with Joseph Robinson, his security, who entered into & acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of --- conditional as the Law directs, Certificate is granted him to obtain Letters of Administration in due form of Law of the Estate of Michael Connelly, deceased, a Soldier at the time of his death in the Army of the United States in the 17th Regiment.

Will Book A, page 211

Appraisal of Michael Connelys Estate, deceased 30 May 1814 by James Bunch, Joseph White and Jacob McKay

Will Book A, page 210, 12 July 1814 at Newport; recorded 23 Aug 1814

Will of Rowlin Turner, a soldier of the 17th Regiment of Infantry in the Army of the United States; mentions Unice Pease of Newport; "all my pay as a soldier that will be due me at the time of my death."  Executrix-Unice Pease; Witnesses-Richard Southgate and Peter McArthur

Court Order Book 1, page 204, August 1814

On motion of Joseph Mayall who made oath and together with Frank Spillman, his Security, who entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $500. conditioned as the law directs Certificate is granted him to obtain letters of administration in due form of law of the Estate of William Mayall, late a soldier in the Army of the United States in the 28th Regiment of Capt. Belts Company, deceased.

Court Order Book 1, page 205, September 1814

On motion of Richard Southgate who made Oath & together with Daniel Mayo, his security, who entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $100. conditioned as the law directs Certificate is granted him to obtain Letters of Administration in due form of Law of the Estate of Corporal Wm Gibbons, deceased, late a soldier in the 1st Regiment of Infantry U.S.

Will Book A, page 265, 14 July 1817, recorded 21 February 1818

Will of Alexander Turner of Campbell County and State of Kentucky, being in a low state of health but perfect in mind and memory, I leave to my Brother Reubin Turner, one half of my land that is due me for services rendered in the United States War when at War with Great Britain; also one half of the money that is due me as a pension from the United States of America also one half al all my other monies due me in Virginia.  Sister-Juda Turner. Witnesses-George McDannald, James Dreysdale, Henry Acman

Court Order Book, page 231, 24 January 1831

Satisfactory evidence was this day produced to the court to prove that Ruben Turner now of said county is the same Ruben Turner and one of the devizes names in the will of Alexander Turner, deceased, late a soldier in the 20th Regt. U. S. Infantry in the County, Commanded by Capt. McIlhenny and Juda Turner, late Juda Ackman, the other devizee named in said will is not deceased, and that Jane McDaniel, Sally Ackman, Rebecca Ackman and Nancy Ackman are the heirs at law in for to the said Jada Turner, late Juda Ackman, deceased.

Court Order Book 4, page 19, 26 May 1834

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Anne S Bryson, Eliza W Oldham, Susan L Sanford, Mary F Winston, Harriett L Joice & Louisa W Prather are the only children & heirs of Thomas Martin, deceased, the same is ordered to be certified.

Marriage: License Alfred Sandford and Susan L Martin married 10 Dec 1810 by Robt. Stubbs; Samuel Winston and Mary F Martin married 2 May 1822 by William Burke, Minister of the Gospel

Bond-James L Prather and Louisa Martin 22 Oct 1824; bondsmen James L Prather & Samuel Winston

City of Newport Books, book 6, page 325, 7 July 1866

On motion of Mr. Arthur, it is resolved that the thanks of this board be tendered to Col Potter, Commandant at the U. S. Barracks for the tendr of troops to suppress any riotous conduct that might arise towards the burglar & murder of Capt. Almon Menter. Mr. Arthur presented the following which was unanimously adopted, viz.

Whereas, in a recent unfortunate occurrence our fellow townsman, Capt. Almon Menter has been removed from our midst by the murderous hands of a desperado and burglar and

Whereas Capt. Menter by his many gentlemanly qualities and superior musical attainments was endeared to our own as well as our sister cities;

Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the condolences of this council be tendered the bereaved widow and fatherless children of the deceased in this their hour of overwhelming grief and sorrow.

Resolved, That as a mark of respect to our deceased fellow citizen, the foregoing preamble and resolution be recorded as a part of the proceedings of this Board and be published as the same and that a copy be transcribed by the City Clerk and forwarded to the bereaved family.



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