Artsman Regiment

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Saturday, 5 October 1861, page 3

Captain Artsman's company from Newport and portions of all the Covington companies, who have been stationed at Falmouth, returned home yesterday morning. Some declined enlisting for a year but most of them will volunteer for four months to protect the railroad.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 24 October 1861, page 3

ON THE INCREASE-The regiment of Colonel Gus Artsman at Camp Webster in Jamestown, is rapidly filling up with the finest kind of recruits. There seems to be a probability, unless Colonel Mundy meets with better success than he has so far, that Colonel Artsman's Regiment will be the first to take the field.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 13 November 1861, page 3

A writ of habeas corpus was served on Colonel Gus Artzman yesterday, requiring him to produce the body of Jacob Renner, who is alleged to be a minor, illegally detained as a soldier in Colonel A's regiment at Camp Webster. The case was brought before Mayor Hawkins, who dismissed it on the ground that the jurisdiction of the Court did not extend beyond the city limits of the city of Newport and as the body was not in court, he had no authority to compel Colonel Artzman to produce it. The case will be tried before Judge Boyd today.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 14 November 1861, page 2

TWO more companies with their officers will be received to fill Colonel Artzman's crack Regiment. Colonel A is an experience military officer, having a military education and in in three successful battles for popular liberty against tyrants and traitors. George P Webster, our worthy Representative from Campbell county is the mustering officer and pays one month cash in advance, and clothing, rations and transportation as soon as enlisted. The camp is two miles above Newport, near the bank of the Ohio River. Bring on your men at Newport Ky, or JOHN C Beck, Newport.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Friday, 22 November 1861, page 2

We understand that Colon Gus Artzman will embark for Louisville this morning with his men, for the purpose of consolidation with Major Heillman's German regiment at that place. Colonel Artzman has 265 men and Major Heillman something over 50.

Cincinnati Daily Press, Friday, 22 November 1861, page 4

Our city was complimented yesterday by a visit from Colonel Gus Artsman's Regiment from Camp Webster above Newport. They came here upon an invitation from Hon. Jonathan F Fish, who reviewed the troops, after which they marched to a brewery on Scott street, where they were treated to an much good ale as they could drink. Mr. Fisk delivered a patriotic speech to the soldiers and the boys returned to their camp at Jamestown in high spirits.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Monday, 21 July 1862, page 2

Capt. Gus Artsman's company, which went to Lexington on Sunday last, reached Newport yesterday morning, having come via Frankfort and Louisville and the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad.


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