Arthur Westrup

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 11 January 1906, page 5

Arthur Westrup, a lithograph artist of Newport was placed on trial today in the Campbell Circuit Court to answer an indictment charging him with failing to provide medical assistance for his wife, who was critically ill and whose death occurred shortly after the birth of their child. The case is an unusual one as it is the first indictment of its kind ever brought by a Campbell County grand jury.

At the time of Mrs. Westrup's death which occurred last February at the home, 631 East Fourth st. Her neighbors, after learning of her death, made several demonstrations against Westrup and the police were called to guard his home. The testimony of witnesses was to the effect Westrup did not get a physician for his wife until after the birth of the child and then only when neighbors demanded he send for one.

William Donaldson, President of the Donaldson Lithographing Company was called as a witness but he turned out to be a good witness for the defense. He testified Westrup was of good moral character, capable and honest. A sister of Westrup sat beside the defendant and held in her lap the 10 month old infant.


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