Captain Arthur's Newport Company

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Saturday, 19 July 1862, page 2

Nothing further had been heard up to ten o'clock last night of the late Captain Arthur's Newport Company which the telegraph reported yesterday as being badly cut up in the battle at Cynthiana.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Monday, 21 July 1862, page 2

Capt. Arthur's Company, which was in the engagement at Cynthiana, got home in Newport, yesterday morning about three o'clock, having walked from Cynthiana to Falmouth and came the balance of the way on hard cars.

The following are the casualties in Capt. Arthur's company: W H Shipman and Lewis Wolf, killed; George Tedro, slightly wounded; Lieut. William Sanders, severely; John Clutter and I Byles, slightly; A Rarie and F Lang, missing.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 25 July 1862

THANKS-D Wolff and family hereby return their most grateful thanks to the members of the Newport Home Guards in the Third Ward and to the Cincinnati Choir for the kind attention and respect of the remains of their most lamented son, Lewis Wolff. Newport, July 24, 1862.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 29 July 1862, page 3

At a meeting of the members of Captain Arthur's Company, held on Saturday night, Comrades Austin T Earle, B S Dennison and A W Root were appointed a committee to draft resolutions express of the feelings of the Company on the death of Comrades Wolff and Shipman.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 7 August 1862, page 3

Capt. John A Arthur, who bore so gallant a part in the Cynthiana fight is recruiting a cavalry company in Newport for Col. Jacobs' regiment. Captain Arthur's office is at the south east corner of York and Bellevue streets, up stairs.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 19 August 1862, page 3

Yesterday at noon, the Cavalry Company recruited in the city by Capt. John A Arthur, for twelve months service in Kentucky, embarked on the steamer, Florence for Louisville, en route for Eminence, Shelby county, where they will go into camp for a short time. A splendid dinner was served up to the men at the engine house on York street before they left. the company numbered one hundred and three men. Twelve were rejected by Captain Arthur, his quota being filled.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Friday, 22 August 1862, page 2

We learn that Captain Arthur arrived with his command in safety at Louisville and went into camp a short distance back of the city. The company has been transferred to Colonel Shackelford's regiment, Colonel Jacob being full before Captain A arrival.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Saturday, 20 September 1862, page 3

Fears have been felt for the safety of Captain John Arthur who left here a few weeks ago with a cavalry company for Louisville, nothing having been heard from him since his departure from there. George W Sarver, a member of the company, reached Newport, yesterday and reports the Captain and his men at Henderson Ky. all well and in fine spirits.



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