Archibald Brown

Alexandria Deed Book B, page 18  16 August 1798

Indenture made 16 Aug 1798 between Washington Berry, Henry Brasher, Charles Morgan, and Archibald Brown Gentlemen Trustees of the Town of Newport of one part and James Smith of Campbell County of the other part.  Trustees for and in consideration of the sum of #135 paid to James Taylor proprietor of the Town of Newport sell four lots in the Town of Newport and known in the plan of said Town by Nos. 91, 99, 100 and 103.

In the presence of: James Taylor, Abraham Vastine, Will Reddick, Richard Southgate

Indentures made 28 Jan 1799 between James Taylor and Keturah his wife late, Keturah Leitch, widow and devisee of David Leitch of the County of Campbell of the one part and John Bartle of the same county of the other part. For and in consideration of 5 shillings paid by John, James and Keturah sell a certain tract of land containing 358 acres.

Witnesses: William Reddick, John J Flournoy, Thomas Griffing, Thomas Lindsey, Archibald Brown


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