Anton Bengel

The Kentucky Post, Monday, 3August 1903, page 5


Anton Bengel, 11, son of Joseph Bengel, of 930 John Street, Newport, was drowned in the Ohio River Sunday afternoon while fishing. He was on the coal fleet at the foot of York Street, owned by John Grief, accompanied by his brother, Joseph Bengel, 9.

Anton leaned over the barge to see if he had a bit on his line and losing his balance, fell into the water. The younger brother saw Anton come up and go down again, but was powerless to do anything but scream for help. There was a searching party formed by the father of the boy, and the body was fished out by Thomas Hoskins, a river man. Coroner Higgins was notified and viewed the body, after which is was taken to Betz's morgue.


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