Anthony George Groeschen

Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 December 1944, page 10

A Cold Spring carpenter, George J Groeschen, has been designated by "statisticians" in the personal section at Pearl Harbor as the person having the biggest family among the 15,000 mainlanders employed in the Navy Yard. The father of 14 children, all living and a grandfather eight times. Mr. Groeschen has been a joiner second class in the Navy Yard for nearly a year.

His plans include the pursuit of war duty until both the Germans and Japs quit fighting. During the last war he was a construction man on government buildings in Washington DC. A housing contractor he has piled his trade for 42 years, and is proud of the Ohio River and Cold Spring, where he has resided a lifetime.  Toughest challenge he described as the 1937 flood, when assisted by three men and eight Boy Scouts, he worked for 125 consecutive hours in an American Legion kitchen.

One of his sons, Anthony, 29, an expert Army rifleman, has just been discharged from the hospital a second time. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in action in Italy.


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