Anthony Amann

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 October 1904, page 5

Anthony Amann, 68, a retired whiskey rectifier, died Monday afternoon at the late home, 331 East Third st. Newport. Paralysis, which had been growing more serious all the time, was the cause of death. He was one of the best known men in Campbell County and was in business for years at Second st. and Broadway in Cincinnati and later in Newport.

A widow and five children survive him. They are: Cora Amann, Matron at Speers Hospital in Dayton; Mrs. C Taylor, Miss Blessing Amann, Miss Nellie Amann and Edward Amann. The funeral arrangements have not been perfected.

The funeral will be private and will be held Wednesday morning at 10 am from the home, Rev Robert B Nelson officiating. The pallbearers will be: R Carothers, D R Locke, James Ross, G S Bartlett, James Shanks and John T Hodge.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 October 1904, page 5

The funeral of the late Anthony Amann took place Wednesday morning at 10 am from the home, on East Third st. Newport. Services were conducted by Rev Robert B Nelson of St Paul Church. The burial was private. The pallbearers were R B Carothers, D D Lock, James Ross, George T Bartlett, James Shanks and John T Hodge.


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