Ann Cromer

Cincinnati Enquirer, 23 February 1875, page 7


A WOMAN, whose name was subsequently ascertained to be Ann Cromer, went into a second hand stop on the corner of James alley and Columbia street, kept by a man named Myers, to buy some articles. While examining the stock, she asked if there was a fire in the back room and being answered in the affirmative, went back to warm herself.

A fall was heard, and Myers went back and found her lying on the floor at full length. Myers then called in Officer Connolly, telling him a drunken woman was lying in the room. Officer Connolly went in and found the woman dead; but to be certain, he sent for Dr. R H Thornton, City Physician, who confirmed his belief.

An inquest was held and the Coroner's Jury returned a verdict of death from apoplexy. Ann Cromer was bout fifty years of age, was of dissipated habits and by occupation a servant girl.


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