Anna Livingston

Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 20 October 1899, page 8


Miss Anna Livingston, a trained nurse at Speers Memorial Hospital, is confined to her room at the above institution with a very serious case of blood poisoning. Miss Livingston was the nurse who attended John Wessling, the young man run over by a C&O train, who died Wednesday of gangrene, which attacked him as a result of the accident.

Miss Livingston kept faithful vigil at the bedside of young Wessling while he was immersed in salt bath and was the one who had charge of the case. A slight cut or small pimple was probably the means of communicating the germs of the disease.

Last night the poison had worked its way up as far as the shoulder and the physicians had not been able to check it. Miss Livingston's devotion to duty will no double cause her death.


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